"30 years of empty promises in 3 depressing minutes"
CNN host Glenn Beck quickly takes us through the three decades of government inaction when it comes to the problem of foreign oil: Continue Reading
"T. Boone Pickens for vice president"
From an editorial in the Seattle Times by editor James F. Vesely: We have in our vice-presidential candidates a senator who knows intimately the power centers of the world, and a governor who knows something about oil and natural-gas benefits to her state. We have no one who could be called a true energy producer Continue Reading
Taking the Pledge
Gov. Brian Schweitzer of Montana has joined Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico in signing T. Boone Pickens’ Energy Independence Pledge: Governor Schweitzer Signs Pickens Pledge Saying We Need American Energy Now September 17, 2008, HELENA – Governor Brian Schweitzer today signed the Pickens Pledge, joining people across America who demand an end our addiction Continue Reading
"We have the natural gas, why don't we have more vehicles on natural gas?"
Courtesy of the Auto Channel, here’s video of T. Boone’s appearance at the Future is Green Conference and Expo on September 15. Continue Reading
A Message From T. Boone
Under federal law, Americans are permitted to form political organizations which are separate and apart from any campaign. These are called “527” organizations—named for the section of the federal tax code which authorizes them. Since July 8, when I started traveling around the country talking about the need to end America’s dependence on foreign oil, Continue Reading
Boone Travel Blog: A Visit to Wal-Mart
The other day we loaded up the T-Boone-Express and headed up to Bentonville, Arkansas to visit with the chairman and CEO of Wal-Mart, Lee Scott and about 3,000 Wal-Mart associates. Lee and his senior folks host a monthly meeting for associates—some are there in person, some attend on a video conference deal, and some dial Continue Reading
Boone Travel Blog: The Tonight Show!
Here’s the shorthand for the day: We started with a wakeup call in New York City at 5:00 am, and we finished with dinner ending in Los Angeles at 10:00 pm—your basic 20 hour day. But it’s all for the cause. In between it was very exciting. We flew from New Jersey to Albuquerque, New Continue Reading
Transcending Partisanship and Political Idealogy
From an editorial by Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry in the Edmond Sun: Our nation’s addiction to foreign oil has reached epidemic proportions. Nearly 70 percent of the United States’ oil comes from foreign sources, making us reliant on many nations openly hostile to our country and even supportive of terrorism. This fact can have grim Continue Reading
Taking the Pledge
T. Boone Pickens’ Energy Independence Pledge is up and running–and it’s already landed its first big name: Gov. Richardson Signs Pickens Pledge Joining More Than 300,000 Americans Who Want to End Our Addiction to Foreign Oil September 15, 2008 – New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson became the first Governor to sign the pledge to join Continue Reading
T. Boone on the "Tonight Show"
If you missed it, here’s a link to T. Boone on the Tonight Show Wednesday night. His segment starts at chapter 5. Continue Reading