TWO webcasts featuring T. Boone Pickens on Monday!
T. Boone Pickens will be on the road and online this coming Monday, September 19, participating in two online events. You are invited to join him for these conversations about America’s energy future! First, the American Trucking Association and Securing America’s Future Energy will present a special Transport Topics LiveOnWeb program on the topic of Continue Reading

My Conversation with a Political Pro
5 insights on Nancy Reagan and this year's elections that the Washington Post's Karen Tumulty shared with T. Boone Pickens for the PickensPodcast. Continue Reading
WaPo political reporter Karen Tumulty’s predictions for the 2016 election
Tune in for this very interesting peek behind the scenes with one of America’s most respected political reporters. Continue Reading
Energy Prices Are On Their Way Up
Would you agree that a former president of Shell Oil knows a thing or two about the energy business? I thought you would, which is why I invited John Hofmeister to join me on my podcast. Here are five insights on energy today from this proven leader: The price of oil will reach $80 a Continue Reading
John Hofmeister and T. Boone Pickens Discuss Future of U.S. Energy
One of the giants of the energy business, John Hofmeister, sat down with T. Boone Pickens for this week's episode of the Pickens Podcast. A proven leader and proven thinker, Hofmeister shares his top energy-related goals for the United States. Continue Reading
A conversation with one of America’s most important thinkers, Walter Isaacson
One of the most important biographers in America, Walter Isaacson, sat down with T. Boone Pickens for this week’s episode of the Pickens Podcast. Continue Reading
General James Conway and T. Boone Pickens on Energy and National Security
Retired four-star General James Conway is a former Commandant of the Marine Corps and one of our best thinkers on military AND energy strategy. During this week’s Pickens Podcast, General Conway told me that if we want to get rid of ISIS we need to arm and train the Sunni Tribes and the Kurds. If Continue Reading
General David Petraeus on the Middle East Today
General David Petraeus has spent more time in a command role in the Middle East as a Two-Star Division Commander of the 101st Airborne; as a Three-Star Commander of the Multinational Security Transition Command – Iraq; and as a Four-Star General Commanding Multinational Force I (MNF I) better known as “The Surge.” During this week’s Continue Reading
T. Boone Pickens interview with Haley Barbour
This week’s Pickens Podcast is with a friend and ally of many years, Haley Barbour. Haley was Chairman of the Republican National Committee when the GOP took over control of the U.S. House and served two terms as Governor of Mississippi. Continue Reading
Tony Robbins interviews T. Boone Pickens (Part 2)
Tony Robbins asked me about my background and my goals in our first podcast. In the second and final installment, I fielded some great questions from Tony and his audience on energy and global politics. Here are a few of the highlights from our great Q&A. How will the Iran deal affect the price of Continue Reading