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Pickens Plan Media Coverage 2.1.11

  • February 1, 2011

T. Boone Pickens Talks Energy On ‘The Daily Show’ – WSJ Blog – 1/28/11 T. Boone Pickens On ‘The Daily Show’: Attacks OPEC, Defends Fracking (VIDEO) – Huffington Post – 1/28/11 Oil Veteran Pickens Sees $120 This Year – Reuters – 1/28/11 Lower Taxes, Encourage Free Enterprise To ‘Win’– Bill O’Reilly Syndicated Column – 1/28/11 Continue Reading

Boone on what Egypt could mean for American energy

Boone appeared on Fox Business this week to discuss the unstable situation in Egypt. “It’s another wake up call…we keep getting them and we don’t respond. We don’t have to be exposed almost continually to this kind of interruption. And it could happen – this thing could spread. If it does, we’re sitting here, the Continue Reading

Unrest in Egypt and Imported Oil

T. Boone Pickens’ long-standing warnings that our addiction to OPEC oil is a national security issue has attracted new attention as the unrest in Tunisia and Egypt threaten to spread to the oil producing nations of Nigeria, Angola and Algeria. In the National Journal, reporter Amy Harder quoted Boone as saying: “Nothing has happened that Continue Reading

T. Boone Pickens Statement on U.S. Energy Policy and the National Security Implications of Egyptian Crisis

  • January 31, 2011

Dallas, TX – January 31, 2011 – Legendary energy executive T. Boone Pickens issued the following statement today urging Congress and President Obama’s Administration to move now to enact an energy policy that addresses the national security and economic risks associated with the United States’ ever-escalating dependence on oil from the Middle East: “The turmoil Continue Reading

Natural Gas to Surpass Coal As An Energy Source

  • January 29, 2011

Exxon Mobil reports that by 2030, natural gas will become the world’s second leading fuel, displacing coal in the number two slot and second only to oil. The prediction is one of many contained in the company’s annual survey titled Outlook for Energy, which was released on Thursday. Natural gas will be the fastest-growing major fuel. By Continue Reading

Boone on Fox with Cavuto

T. Boone Pickens appeared on Fox News Channel’s Neil Cavuto program on Saturday morning to discuss the potential effects of the unstable situation in Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen on oil prices. Boone pointed out that those three countries produce a million barrels of oil per day. If the unrest spreads west to the rest of Continue Reading

Boone visits with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  • January 28, 2011

Boone recently made a return appearance to The Daily Show to give Jon Stewart an update on the Pickens Plan. In this video, Boone takes us behind the scenes. Watch the full Daily Show segment at Continue Reading

T. Boone Pickens' Extended Interview on The Daily Show

Boone was Jon Stewart’s guest on “The Daily Show” on Thursday night on Comedy Central. Boone talked about the need to reduce our dependency on OPEC oil, and move to better utilization of our domestic natural gas supplies. Stewart seemed shocked to find out that China, the U.A.E., and even Iran have adopted elements of Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 1.27.11

  • January 27, 2011

Oil Independence – New York Times – 1/27/11 Late Night – South Coast Today – 1/27/11 On Tonight: Supermarkets, ‘Archer’ and a Flash of Gervais – Hartford Courant Blog – 1/27/11 TV talk shows for Jan. 27 – St. Louis Post Dispatch – 1/27/11 SOTU Misses on an Easy Win: Natural Gas – Huffington Post Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 1.26.11

  • January 26, 2011

Alternative Energy Needs Stronger Push: Pickens – CNBC – 1/26/11 CEOs React to State of the Union – – 1/26/11 Top 25 People and Events In 2010 – Futures Magazine – 2/1/11 Ethanol Folly: Let’s Get Rid Of This Wasteful Subsidy – Houston Chronicle – 1/26/11 The State Of The Union’s Billionaire Winners – Continue Reading