Philly Inquirer Supports NAT GAS Act
The Philadelphia Inquirer – which proudly points out it was founded in 1829 – yesterday published an editorial in glowing support of the NAT GAS Act (H.R. 1380) and the Pickens Plan. Describing the elements of the Pickens Plan which T. Boone Pickens introduced in 2008, the editorial states: Pickens’ ideas struck a chord in Continue Reading
We are picking America to win
The opposition is coming at us saying that we’re picking winners and losers. That’s not so – we’re picking America over OPEC and national security over terrorists. Continue Reading
Tom Ridge Talks Up An Energy Plan for America
Tom Ridge brings a unique perspective to any issue of national consequence. A two-term governor of Pennsylvania, Ridge also served as America's first Director of Homeland Security. Here is his take on securing an energy plan for America. Continue Reading
Drilling Down on Energy Policy
Former Governor Bill Richardson and former U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge had a great discussion about energy policy and natural gas on Squawk Box this morning. Click here or watch below. Continue Reading
U.S. Spent $41.7 Billion on Foreign Oil in Month of May
In his monthly update on the level of foreign oil imports in the U.S., energy expert T. Boone Pickens said that based on the latest figures from the Federal Reserve Economic Database, the U.S. imported 62 percent of its oil, or 362 million barrels in May 2011, sending approximately $41.7 billion, or $934,357.63 per minute, Continue Reading
The Pickens Plan is gaining momentum!
This is a fight for energy independence and we’re gaining momentum. Special interests have always kept America from having an energy plan. Even the Saudis are now saying we need to bring the price of oil down because alternative energy is being seriously considered in the United States. There are 191 bi-partisan cosponsors of HR Continue Reading
Boone, Two U.S. Congressman, Tour College Fueling Facility
T. Boone Pickens joined Congressmen Patrick Meehan (R-PA) and Jim Gerlach (R-PA) for a tour of West Chester University’s natural gas refueling facility. West Chester College is located in Eastern Pennsylvania. According to the Delaware County News Network website: The university has 22 vehicles that run on compressed natural gas, seven of which run on Continue Reading
Obama Voices Need to Develop U.S. Shale Gas Reserves
At a press conference in Warsaw on Saturday, President Obama singled out the importance of developing cleaner burning natural gas as a key element of America's energy security. Continue Reading
Pickens on CNBC: We’re Funding Terrorism
T. Boone Pickens appeared on CNBC’s popular “Squawk Box” program and, according to the CNBC webpage, said “U.S. dollars for OPEC oil help fund terrorists and the Taliban. I am trying to get away from the terrorists,” he said. “I think the money we pay to OPEC gets in the hands of the Taliban.” Boone Continue Reading