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In A First, Gasoline Hits $3.50 in February

  • February 18, 2012

Only three times in history has gas broken the $3.50 a gallon mark. This year, it's already happened, and it did so in February. That's leading some to talk about $5 gallon this summer. Continue Reading

Costs Mount as Congress Fails to Act

  • February 17, 2012

For more than 2 years now, we have tracked our use of imported oil on a monthly basis. We’re starting a new clock today. In his State of the Union speech on January 24, President Obama outlined his energy plan for America. A month later, we have imported another 239 million barrels of oil at Continue Reading

Natural Gas a Game-Changer

  • February 16, 2012

T. Boone Pickens was a guest on CNBC’s “Fast Money” program Wednesday afternoon and said, according to the show’s website, that “The best energy bet for the United States amid rising crude prices might lay in natural gas.” Pickens went on to say, “There are 8½ million 18-wheelers in the United States. That’s 2½ million Continue Reading

U.S. Has Imported 239 Million Barrels Since State of the Union; Costs Mount as Congress Fails to Act

  • February 15, 2012

In his State of the Union Address on January 24, President Barack Obama announced an energy blueprint for the U.S. calling for an “all-of-the-above strategy that develops every available source of American energy.” He called on Congress to begin reducing dependence on foreign oil by encouraging use of American natural gas to fuel vehicles, bolster Continue Reading

Pickens Urges Chicago to Pick America Over OPEC

  • February 5, 2012

On Sunday, T. Boone Pickens urged readers of The Chicago Tribune that when it comes to energy, it's time to "go with anything American." Continue Reading

Natural Gas Revolution Set to Begin

  • January 31, 2012

In the State of the Union address last week, President Obama announced his intention to encourage the development of America’s abundant natural gas resources. The effects of his announcement and subsequent speeches are already being felt from coast to coast. Wall Street certainly took notice. In an article at, Certified Financial Analyst Robert Stammers points out Continue Reading

China Set To Claim Even More Middle Eastern Oil

  • January 29, 2012

The United States and the European Union are getting ready to implement sanctions on Iran. The goal is to get that country’s leaders to abandon their nuclear ambitions. Do you want to guess who will reap the benefits of these policies? For starters, China. According to Reuters, Iran’s oil production won’t be curtailed. Thanks to Continue Reading

Boone Lauds President's Call for Natural Gas Use

  • January 27, 2012

T. Boone Pickens was on CNBC’s Squawkbox program this morning to discuss President Obama’s call yesterday to increase the use of natural gas as a principal transportation fuel in the United States. Pickens, who announced the formation of The Pickens Plan on Squawkbox in the summer of 2008, said that the President now agreed with Continue Reading

We are close to victory

  • January 26, 2012

President Barack Obama has unveiled a series of energy initiatives that closely track the Pickens Plan. Legislation to provide incentives to move the nation’s heavy duty and fleet vehicles to natural gas has widespread bipartisan support in Congress, with more than 180 co-sponsors in the U.S. House of Representatives. A similar bill in the Senate Continue Reading