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U.S. Importing 26% More Saudi Oil!

  • August 18, 2012

America is sliding back into decreased dependence on OPEC oil, according to The New York Times. The United States imported a daily average of more than 1.45 million barrels of Saudi crude over the first five months of this year, compared to a daily average of roughly 1.15 million barrels over the same period last Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Would Remedy Natural Gas Slump

  • August 16, 2012

On Wednesday, The Houston Chronicle voiced its support for the Pickens Plan with an editorial that singled out the rare opportunity afforded by America’s gynormous reserves of natural gas. That’s the good news. The bad news is the Chronicle went on to point out that without any leadership in Washington, this windfall is being squandered: Continue Reading

Natural Gas Is Shifting Power Away From OPEC

  • August 15, 2012

Former CIA Director John Deutch says that America’s hopeless dependence on imported oil and natural gas “is a thing of the past.” Writing in the Wall Street Journal this week, Deutch says that when it comes to energy,  the U.S. has undergone a complete about-face. Instead of being subject to the political whims of OPEC, Continue Reading

Twenty States Ask Detroit to Build A Natural Gas Car

  • August 3, 2012

NPR is running a report that as many as 20 states are now pressing America’s automakers to build a midsize car that can run on abundant, domestically produced natural gas. More than 20 state governors are taking an unusual step to boost the natural gas vehicle industry. Independent of the federal government, they’re asking Detroit Continue Reading

North American Energy Alliance

  • July 30, 2012

Boone talks about a North American Energy Alliance and how we can work together with Canada and Mexico to reduce our dependence on OPEC oil. Continue Reading

China Makes Bold Canadian Energy Play

  • July 26, 2012

America’s reluctance to participate in the development of Canada’s resource rich oil sands has proven to be a windfall for the Chinese government, a fact that was hammered home on Monday when China’s state-owned oil company made a $15 billion offer to buy Nexen, a significant Canadian oil-sands field operator. According to the editorial page of Continue Reading

Fallin and Hickenlooper Travel to Detroit

  • July 18, 2012

The failure of Congress to give America the energy plan it deserves has done little to deter a bipartisan group of governors intent on ending the country’s dangerous dependence on foreign oil. Following this weekend’s National Governors Association meeting in Williamsburg, Gov. Mary Fallin and Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper traveled to Detroit to meet with Continue Reading

Governors to Go to Detroit to Discuss NG Vehicles

  • July 14, 2012

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper and Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin will travel to Detroit to meet with executives at Chrysler, General Motors, and Ford Motor Company on Monday, July 16. The governors will discuss with the automakers the multi-state agreement Colorado and Oklahoma initiated last fall with 11 other states to promote the use of natural Continue Reading

Natural Gas On a Par With Coal

  • July 13, 2012

King Coal has been knocked off its throne. Thanks to the increasing development of America’s natural-gas resources, coal is no longer the dominant power source in the U.S. According to the U.S. Energy Information Agency, natural gas has pulled even with coal as an energy source for power production. “Power plants fired by natural gas Continue Reading