How America Subsidizes Its Own Oil Dependency
The following op-ed by T. Boone Pickens ran at The Daily Caller on August 1, 2013. The Pickens Plan – a plan to wean the United States from Middle Eastern oil – launched in 2008 and from its beginning focused on reducing America’s dependence on OPEC oil. The cornerstone focus: expanding the use of America’s Continue Reading
Tune in Thursday, August 1 for a debate between T. Boone Pickens and Steve Moore
This week, the Young America’s Foundation’s 35th annual conference is taking place in Washington, DC. One of the highlights of this event will be a “friendly” debate on America’s energy future between T. Boone Pickens and Steve Moore who is a senior economics writer and Wall Street Journal editorial board member. The debate will be Continue Reading
George Mitchell Dies at 94
George Mitchell, the Texas entrepreneur responsible for pioneering the innovative technique known as hydraulic fracturing, died on Friday at his residence in Galveston. He was 94. So great was Mitchell’s impact on America’s energy outlook that Daniel Yergin, the energy scholar and author, proposed that Mr. Mitchell be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. “It Continue Reading
Pickens Kicks Off Fox Business Energy Special
Thanks to the enormous impact of the shale boom across America, Fox Business deemed it worthwhile to devote special programming to the game-changing effects of this energy revolution. Not surprisingly, T. Boone Pickens was the featured guest on the first program. Among the topics Pickens discussed was the presence in the Middle East of the Continue Reading
High gasoline prices and the need for natural gas
If you have a vehicle, you’ve seen what’s happening to gasoline prices. They’re going up, and in a hurry. As you may have seen on CNBC this morning, average national prices rose 12 cents in the past week alone. Take a look at this video and you’ll have a better idea of why it’s happening. Continue Reading
On Hold: Updating America's Power Grid
When T. Boone Pickens launched his Pickens Plan five years, he singled out numerous elements to his energy plan for America. Ending America’s addiction to foreign oil has always been a key. Developing America’s abundant energy resources was another crucial imperative. A third component continues to be upgrading our country’s outdated energy grid. Unfortunately, the Continue Reading
America Still Addicted to OPEC Oil
Ever wonder what it would take to update America’s aging highway system? The answer happens to be the same amount of money Americans spend on foreign oil in a year. As a country, we’re spending approximately $1 billion a day importing oil. That makes our tab halfway through 2013 about $190 billion. That’s right. Instead Continue Reading
The Natural Gas Highway is OPEN!
Since the Pickens Plan launched in July 2008, we’ve made enormous progress in getting America the energy plan it deserves. We’ve now got the cheapest fuel in the world, be it oil, natural gas, or gasoline. In addition, more and more of our heavy-duty trucks are running on domestic natural gas instead of OPEC oil. Continue Reading
Shultz Labels North America "Global Powerhouse"
Former Secretary of State George Shultz singled out the growing economic clout of Canada, the U.S., and Mexico, and he labeled this North American alliance a force to be reckoned with. In an op-ed published on Friday in The Wall Street Journal, Shultz noted that the efforts of Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton Continue Reading
Happy 5th anniversary of the Pickens Plan! Here's to 5 years of energy progress.
This week marks the fifth anniversary of the announcement of the Pickens Plan. When we began, no one was talking about energy. Now, every Governor and Senator and nearly every Member of Congress is discussing energy. I want to share with you a video celebrating all we have accomplished together as well as an op-ed Continue Reading