T. Boone Pickens on "Meet the Press"
T. Boone Pickens was a guest on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, discussing the future of domestic energy with host Tom Brokaw. In the discussion, Boone made it clear that the only way for President-elect Obama to make good on his promise to import no oil from the Middle East within 10 years was the Continue Reading
The Tonight Show's Jay Leno – Take Two
Jay Leno not only hosts the Tonight Show, but he also writes one of the country's best-known automotive columns for Popular Mechanics. Here are some of his thoughts on using natural gas as a transportation fuel. Continue Reading
Wind Farms
Army: I understand there is some confusion about our wind project in Pampa, Texas. The current economic situation is having an effect on our project, but my commitment to wind energy as a cornerstone of the Pickens Plan has not diminished one bit. The economy will recover, and we will be able to provide 3.5 Continue Reading
Jon Stewart: "I will follow you out the building!"
Boone gives the Army an exclusive look behind the scenes of “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” meanwhile on stage Stewart tells Boone he and his audience will follow him out the building. Continue Reading
Boone on The Daily Show
In case any of you missed it, Boone was on the Daily Show last night. Watch the video and see Jon Stewart announce that he and his audience would follow Boone out the building!! Pass this along to five of your friends and get them to join Boone and the New Energy Army in the Continue Reading
New York – Steve Forbes and the Daily Show
Hey, Army. We’re in New York City for a bunch of meetings and media. On Wednesday I met with, probably a dozen reporters including the New York Times and a group of energy papers and web sites. The centerpiece of the day was a conversation with Steve Forbes at his Forbes Magazine “Energy Conference.” Steve Continue Reading
Boone on the road again!
North Dakota loves the Pickens Plan! Senators Byron Dorgan and Kent Conrad join Boone to “use this opportunity” to save America. Watch Boone on “The Daily Show” tonight! Continue Reading
Boone on the Daily Show – Tonight!
T. Boone Pickens will appear on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart tonight to discuss the Pickens Plan and his new book, “The First Billion is the Hardest.” The Daily Show airs at 11 PM (10 Central) on the Comedy Central network. Tune in tonight and watch Boone and Jon on the Daily Show! — Continue Reading
Clean Energy as an Economy Booster
Hey, Army! This is a late-breaking story that I wanted to share with you. The polling firm of Zogby International did a national survey sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation right after the election and asked about investing in clean energy. According to the poll, 78 percent “believe investing in clean energy is important to Continue Reading