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Pickens Plan Media Coverage 1.15.09

  • January 15, 2009

Pickens Bringing Energy Campaign to Helena – Queen City News – 1/14/09 Oilman Brings His Energy Pitch to S.A. – San Antonio Express-News – 1/15/09 Pickens Spreads Oil Dependency Message – Herald-Zeitung – 1/15/09 Businesses Put Politics Aside, Take New President in Stride – USA Today – 1/14/09 Sharing History – Pasadena Weekly – 1/15/09 Continue Reading

Clean Domestic Energy a Top Priority for Sen. Jeanne Shaheen

New Hampshire's newest Senator, Jeanne Shaheen, sees a world of opportunity for America as she pushes to establish our country as an international leader in alternative energies. Continue Reading

A Day in San Antonio

  • January 14, 2009

Army: What a day in San Antonio! I spent most of the day there, and it was worth it. I flew in convinced we are gaining some traction in Washington, D.C, (where I was yesterday), and I flew out of San Antonio convinced that we are seeing some real leadership at the local level. Let Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 1.14.09

T. Boone Pickens Plans to Publicize U.S. Foreign Oil Consumption – Talk Radio News Service – 1/13/09 Texas, Business Leaders to Brainstorm How to Jump-Start Economy – Austin American Statesman – 1/14/09 San Antonio Opens New Clean Energy Refueling Station – San Antonio Business Journal – 1/14/09 Pickens Eyes Stimulus to Retrofit Trucks – United Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 1.13.09

  • January 13, 2009

Pickens Predicts $140 Oil When Economy Recovers – CNBC – 1/13/09 Pickens’ Windmills Tilt Against Market Realities – Wall Street Journal – 1/13/09 New Twist for Pickens in Energy Independence Fight – Associated Press – 1/13/09 T. Boone Pickens Seeks Stimulus Funds to Convert Trucks to Natural Gas – Dallas Morning News – 1/13/09 T. Continue Reading

Gov. Kathleen Sebelius Pushes Energy "Made in America"

Throughout his career, Boone Pickens has gone to Kansas with an eye on its enormous energy resources. So it should come as no surprise that when he held his first Pickens Plan Town Meeting, he did it in Topeka. Gov. Kathleen Sebelius tells why. Continue Reading

Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Boone Pickens at the Capitol – Part III

During the question and answer period, Mr. Kennedy talked about how Israel is moving away from any carbon-based fuel for automobiles. They have huge wind and solar fields in the Negev Desert to avoid having to buy oil from Egypt “which gets it from Saudi Arabia. For Israel it is a national security issue,” Kennedy Continue Reading

Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Boone Pickens at the Capitol – Part II

When Boone took the microphone he moved on from where Mr. Kennedy had taken the discussion to the central point of the Pickens Plan – foreign oil. Boone told the audience that he would be announcing on a monthly basis the amount of oil America imported in the previous month. For instance, in December, 2008 Continue Reading

Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Boone Pickens at the Capitol – Part I

Robert Kennedy, Jr. joined T. Boone Pickens at a Town-Hall meeting in the U.S. Capitol for the staffs of U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives. Over 100 staffers attended the session which was started by Mr. Kennedy explaining why the Pickens Plan is so crucial to cutting down on carbon-based pollution. He pointed to countries from Continue Reading

Taking the Message to The Hill

This morning, Boone Pickens and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will be holding a Town Hall meeting in the United States Capitol to introduce House and Senate staff to the Pickens Plan. The meeting will have about 150 staffers who can then report back to “their bosses” about some of the details of the Plan. Prior Continue Reading