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Pickens Media Coverage 3.7-3.9.09

  • March 9, 2009

From Here to There: T. Boone Pickens on his Plan to Wean the Country from Imported Oil – Wall Street Journal – 3/9/09 Clean-Energy Sector Looks for Private, Public Help – Wall Street Journal – 3/9/09 Clean Energy Has Narrower Loss, Shares Rise – Orange County Business Journal – 3/6/09 In Search of a Panhandle Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – March 9, 2009

In Iran, a gallon of gasoline costs roughly 15 cents. So why would Iran Khodro, a manufacturer of automobiles in Iran, bother with alternative fuels? “It’s cleaner, has less CO2 emissions … and promotes a good environmental situation,” explained Mr. Alireza Feyzbakhsh, Iran Khodro’s deputy president of export and international affairs. Iranian Automaker Bets on Continue Reading

Boone on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher"

  • March 7, 2009

T. Boone Pickens appeared on the HBO political program “Real Time with Bill Maher” to talk about the Pickens Plan and why it is important to America’s economic, environmental and security future. Mr. Maher is a comedian and social critic. He started the conversation by telling the audience that Boone has been a life-long investor Continue Reading

Watch me on Real Time with Bill Maher TONIGHT

Hey Army! Two new things I want to share with you.  First, I’m going to be on Bill Maher’s show tonight which airs at 10 pm ET on HBO.  If you miss that one, you can check your listings and see when it will be replayed. Second, we have a new ad which will start Continue Reading

American Wind Energy Association CEO Denise Bode at the National Energy Summit

CEO of the American Wind Energy Association, Denise Bode, talks about the future of wind energy at last week’s National Energy Summit. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 3.6.09

Can Natural Gas Break Our Oil Habit? – U.S. News & World Report – 3/5/09 T. Boone Pickens Sees Oil at $75 by End-2009 – Reuters – 3/5/09 ECO:nomics Returns to Bacara – Santa Barbara Independent – 3/5/09 Al Gore Gets Electric at ECO:nomics – Santa Barbara Independent – 3/5/09 Opinion: A Broken Model for Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – March 6, 2009

“He gets it. I think he understands as well that we need to become energy self-sufficient if we’re going to reduce our reliance on foreign oil.” Senator Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) on President Obama’s call to reduce emphasis on foreign oil during his Congressional address Continue Reading

Latest ad: Windpower

We can put America back to work by doing what America has always done best — building our future and declaring our independence. Continue Reading