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AT&T announces Natural Gas Fleet

  • March 11, 2009

AT&T Chairman and CEO Randall Stephenson announced today that AT&T will take the lead on the Pickens Plan push for natural gas vehicles. This will be the largest U.S. corporate commitment to CNG vehicles to date. Congratulations AT&T and welcome aboard! Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 3.11.09

High-Voltage Lines Wouldn’t Need State Action Under Senate Plan – Bloomberg – 3/10/09 AT&T to Spend $565 mln for Eco-Friendly Ford Cars – Reuters – 3/11/09 AT&T Plans to Spend $565 Million on Clean-Burning Cars – San Antonio Business Journal – 3/11/09 AT&T to Invest up to $565M in Natural Gas, Hybrid Vehicles – Dallas Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – March 11, 2009

AT&T today announced plans to invest up to $565 million as part of a long-term strategy to deploy more than 15,000 alternative-fuel vehicles over the next 10 years. AT&T expects to spend an estimated $350 million to purchase about 8,000 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicles and approximately $215 million to begin replacing its passenger cars Continue Reading

T. Boone Pickens Statement on AT&T's Decision to Upgrade 8,000 Fleet Vehicles to Run on Natural Gas

Upgrade will take place over the next five years Dallas, TX, March 11, 2009 – T. Boone Pickens offered the following statement today supporting AT&T’s decision to upgrade 8,000 of its fleet vehicles to run on natural gas over the next five years: “I have long believed that reducing our dependence on foreign oil and Continue Reading

AT&T & Natural Gas Vehicles

I want to take a few minutes and tell you about how the Pickens Plan is starting to have a real impact. This morning, Randall Stephenson, Chairman and CEO of AT&T made an important announcement – a very important announcement. AT&T is going to replace 17 percent of its fleet – which is one of Continue Reading

Three Days That Will Change America

  • March 10, 2009

AMERICANS UNITE TO VIRTUALLY MARCH ON WASHINGTON FOR ENERGY INDEPENDENCE T. Boone Pickens to Lead “Pickens New Energy Army” and Other Americans In Effort to Make One Million Impressions on Congress and Obama Administration; Seizing Unprecedented Opportunity to Make the U.S. Energy Independent and Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil March 10, 2009 – Oil executive Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – March 10, 2009

“Green energy done right is more profitable than the old kind of energy.  If you invest the right way you can make money doing it.” Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google at the Wall Street Journal’s ECO:nomics conference Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 3.10.09

2008 in Review – Plenty Magazine – 3/9/09 The Beautiful Wind of T. Boone Pickens – Washington Post – 3/10/09 Reader is a Newspaper Fan – Daily Commercial – 3/10/09 Pickens Touts His ‘Virtual March’ – KTUL – 3/9/09 The Beautiful Wind of T. Boone Pickens – Washington Post Blog – 3/9/09 Heartland Conference Speakers Continue Reading

Ridiculous –February Oil Imports!

  • March 9, 2009

We are still sending billions of dollars overseas. Boone reports the February Oil import numbers on national TV when he’s on air with CNBC’s Melissa Francis. Check out the 2009 numbers at Continue Reading

February oil imports

Hey Army, You know we have been tracking the monthly oil import numbers since December and making them public to the press corps (and to the New Energy Army). In February, we imported 62 percent of our oil – about 339 million barrels.  That cost us $13 billion for that month or more than $328,000 Continue Reading