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Boone at the Green Truck Summit

  • March 19, 2009

Hey Guys- only two weeks to the Virtual March and almost two million signed up! Call your friends now and have them sign up! Continue Reading

Support and Implementation of the Pickens Plan Continues to Grow

  • March 18, 2009

Owens Corning, American Electric Power, and AutoNation Lead the Way March 18, 2009 –Dallas– Oil executive T. Boone Pickens has joined forces with some of America’s leading corporations in the fight against energy dependency.  Owens Corning, American Electric Power (AEP), and AutoNation have pledged their support and are leading the way in implementing parts of Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – March 18, 2009

“…while there are quibbles over the particulars, parts of the Pickens Plan are – – or should be – – uncontroversial: a new transmission grid to move renewable power, better energy efficiency, and using natural gas as a ‘bridge’ fuel to power trucks and fleet vehicles until alternatives become more plentiful.” The Washington Post Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 3.18.09

Not Insane – The New Yorker – March 2009 HIRE ME: Marc Mooney – The Star-Ledger Business Desk – 3/18/09 Oil ETF’s & The Return of $50 Oil (OIL, USO, OIH, DXO, DIG) – 24/7 Wall Street – 3/17/09 Natural Gas Powered Turbine Tests Reveal Positive Results – Ad-Hoc News – 3/18/09 Oil From Shale Continue Reading

Boone Talks with Pickens Plan District Leaders

T. Boone conducted two days of conference calls with Pickens Plan District Leaders. More than 100 people participated as Boone responded to a wide range of questions. Here is a summary of the conversations: OPENING REMARKS: We started this process ten months ago … Ten months? It doesn’t seem possible! We’ve had a number of Continue Reading

Hutchison Says "Access All Potential Sources of Energy"

As the senior Senator from Texas, Kay Bailey Hutchison knows firsthand what it takes to power America. Here she shares insights about what we can do right now as well as ways we can secure our country's future energy needs. Continue Reading

Interior Secretary Salazar Pledges Wind, Solar Development

Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, testified yesterday that his Department will be aggressive in looking for ways to balance the need for domestic, renewable energy with the needs of the environment and landscape in the land under the Department’s jurisdiction which is “20 percent of the land mass of the United States and 1.7 Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 3.17.09

  • March 17, 2009

Tom Brokaw’s New Global Warming Documentary – Time – 3/17/09 Pickens Leading Virtual March for Energy Independence – Environmental Protection – 3/17/09 So You Want to Be a Wind Tech? Don’t Look Down – eWeek Careers Blog – 3/16/09 Dynamic Duo: Green Jobs Meets the Solidarity Economy – ZNet – 3/16/09 Open Letter to Boone Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – March 17, 2009

“We have to connect the sun of the deserts and the wind of the Plains to places where people live.” Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar on the need for new transmission corridors. Continue Reading

Boone to speak at Milken Global Conference

T. Boone Pickens will be a featured speaker at the prestigious Milken Institute Global Conference to be held in Los Angeles, California April 27-29. The Milken Institute conference will be focused on the global financial crisis and the growing role of governments in the worlds’ economies. Boone will be joined by leaders of the largest Continue Reading