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Pickens Plan Media Coverage 4.10.09

  • April 12, 2009

The Pickens Plan Marches on Washington – Huffington Post – 4/9/09 Natural Gas Powered Vehicles on the Rise, Even as Refueling Device Maker Goes Bust – Scientific America Blog – 4/9/09 Look at Pickens’ Plan on Alternative Fuels – Hickory Record – 4/10/09 Fuel Volatility Remakes South Florida’s Public Companies – South Florida Business Journal Continue Reading

KU Town Hall – Watch Now

  • April 9, 2009

Wednesday, Boone joined US Senator Sam Brownback and former Senator Bob Dole for a Pickens Plan Town Hall event. It was standing room only as over 700 people crowded into the Robert Dole Institute for Politics at Kansas University.   To watch the Town Hall, please click here. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 4.9.09

Meet Mr. Brownback, Mr. Dole, Mr. Pickens – Kansas City Star – 4/8/09 Pickens See Progress in Energy – Topeka Capital-Journal – 4/8/09 Billionaire Pushes Domestic Energy Plan – Lawrence Journal-World – 4/9/09 Pickens Touts Alternative Energy Plan At KU – KMBC – 4/8/09 Pickens Touts Wind, Solar Power At KU – KCTV – 4/8/09 Continue Reading

Boone and NAT GAS Act 2009

  • April 8, 2009

Boone hits Capitol Hill to put forth the NAT GAS Act of 2009 to move the country towards being more clean and secure. Some Oklahoma 4H students agree! Continue Reading

The Virtual March continues!

Army. Last week was a great week that built upon some exciting things happening in Washington…and of course there was the Virtual March. And all indications are that we’re having a huge impact. A few highlights: — A major piece of natural gas legislation, the New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions – NAT GAS Continue Reading

Rockland BOCES High School Alternate Energy Program

Check the Daily Pickens blog regularly for updates about the Army’s activities around the country.  Be sure to blog about your activities involving Pickens Plan – and don’t forget to  take video or photos – and you could be featured here on Daily Pickens. Here’s a great video from the students at Rockalnd BOCES High Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 4.8.09

Oilman Pickens Touts Wind, Solar Power at KU – Associated Press – 4/8/09 Oilman Pickens Stresses Need for Alternative Fuels – The Arkansas Traveler – 4/8/09 Pickens Details Alternative Energy Plans – The Morning News – 4/6/09 Honda Cuts the Line to Fuel-Pump Maker – The Daily Breeze – 4/7/09 Natural Gas Gaining Momentum – Continue Reading

SoCal Ports Clean-Truck Program is Working

The Los Angeles Times ran an article earlier this week about the program instituted by the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, California “launched an ambitious plan to replace 16,800 older rigs by 2012 with the nation’s lowest-emissions fleet. The piece written by reporter Ronald D. White focuses on one independent driver Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 4.7.09

  • April 7, 2009

Pickens Takes Energy Plan to UA – Arkansas Democrat Gazette – 4/7/09 Pickens Plan : Oil Billionaire Talks Reducing Dependence on Foreign Oil – Northwest Arkansas Times – 4/7/09 Pickens Promotes Energy Plan at University of Arkansas – Arkansas Business – 4/6/09 T. Boone Pickens Speaks – KNWA – 4/6/09 T. Boone Pickens Pushes Plan Continue Reading

University of Arkansas Town Hall – Watch Now

Yesterday, Boone held a Pickens Plan Town Hall at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. Over 750 people packed the auditorium, spilling over into three overflow rooms. Boone talked about his plan to end our dependence on foreign oil and took questions from the crowd. It was really something special! To watch the Town Hall Continue Reading