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Pickens Plan Media Coverage 6.5.09

  • June 5, 2009

The Last Crusade: Legendary Oilman T. Boone Pickens is on a Quest to Convert How America Propels its Economy – InTech – June 2009 U.S. Spends $484,087 a Minute on Oil Imports – Grand Forks Herald – 6/5/09 Alternative Fuel Innovation – The Benton County Daily Record – 6/5/09 Pickens: OU the Team to Beat Continue Reading

T. Boone Pickens Highlights U.S. Oil Dependence for Sixth Consecutive Month

U.S. Sent $21.6 Billion Overseas and Imported 366 Million Barrels of Oil in May 2009 Dallas – June 5, 2009 –Today energy expert T. Boone Pickens provided his sixth consecutive monthly update on the level of United States’ oil importation. Pickens said that based on the latest figures from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – June 4, 2009

  • June 4, 2009

“Wind energy is one of our most promising renewable energy sources… By continuing to make investments in renewable energy we can cut our dependence on foreign oil and invest in a clean energy agenda that creates jobs and puts money back into the pockets of consumers.” – U.S. Secretary Of Energy Steven Chu Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 6.4.09

Switch to a Smarter Fuel for Cars, Trucks — And to Help Local Industry – Detroit Free Press – 6/4/09 Pickens Left Indelible Mark on Obama – Associated Press – 6/3/09 Change is Coming for U.S. Energy – Oklahoman – 6/4/09 T. Boone Pickens Discusses Rise in Gas Prices – KOTV (Tulsa) – 6/3/09 Pickens Continue Reading

Boone & Barack – a Meeting with Meaning

T. Boone Pickens reminded an audience in Oklahoma City that he met with then-Senator Barack Obama during the run-up to the Presidential election and, using a black Sharpie on a white tablecloth, sketched out the elements of the Pickens Plan. According to Associated Press writer Jeff Latkze, Boone told the audience that now-President Obama got Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – June 3, 2009

  • June 3, 2009

“Using natural gas in place of other fuels can help ease a number of environmental concerns.  Natural gas trucks reduce pollutants by more than 90 percent and the technology has come a long way. While our buses have been using natural gas for years, these new trucks with next generation natural gas powertrains have more Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 6.3.09

Avoid Air Pocket in Fuel Supply with Continued U.S. Natural Gas Exploration and Drilling – World Energy Monthly Review – June 2009 The Green Economy – Al’s Journal (Al Gore’s Blog) – 6/2/09 Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – June 2, 2009

  • June 2, 2009

According the Wall Street Journal, many energy analysts believe that crude prices could soon reach the $100-a-barrel mark seen last year because of two factors: relatively rapid energy consumption growth in emerging markets like China and the fact that much of the world’s easy-to-tap oil is already discovered. Continue Reading

North Carolina Considers Alternative Fuels Bill

The state legislature in North Carolina is considering a bill which would, “provide a tax credit of 30% for infrastructure of biodiesel, E85, natural gas, propane and electric refueling infrastructure and a $2,000 tax credit for vehicles that operate on natural gas, propane and electricity” according to the website If North Carolina adopts this Continue Reading

Boone Leads off “Eco-Leadership” Series on

T. Boone Pickens was recently interviewed to lead off a series focusing on the “leading lights of green business to find tips, strategies and success stories” in helping entrepreneurs and businesses succeed in this new arena. In the interview, Boone walks through the elements of the Pickens Plan. He lays out the problem: Think about Continue Reading