News and Updates

Oklahomans unite behind their favorite son!

  • June 11, 2009

The Oklahoma Supreme Court along with Native Oklahomans join the Pickens push for energy freedom. Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – June 11, 2009

The Huntington (NY) Town Board recently moved toward converting some of the town’s garbage collection fleet to compressed natural gas, helping to reduce the town’s reliance on foreign oil and help preserve the environment. The board approved a resolution authorizing Supervisor Frank P. Petrone to apply for $260,000 in federal stimulus funds administered by the Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 6.11.09

Pickens Predicts Energy Legislation by Year’s End – Biloxi Sun Herald – 6/10/09 CabinWindow: Pickens Man with a Plan – Log Cabin Democrat – 6/11/09 Propane Highlighted as Key Element of the Pickens Plan – Dallas Environmental Policy Examiner – 6/10/09 State’s Green Job Growth Tops Overall Level – Tulsa World – 6/11/09 Barbour Creates Continue Reading

Bloomberg Reports Crude Oil Now Costs 18x Natural Gas

Over the last 11 months, natural gas prices have dropped a whopping 73 percent, according to This drop is the sharpest among the 24 commodities in the S&P GSCI Commodity Index. Simultaneously, stockpiles of natural gas are running 22 percent higher than the five-year average. The result is that crude oil now costs 18 times more than Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 6.10.09

  • June 10, 2009

T. Boone Pickens: U.S. Energy Plan to be in Place this Year – Associated Press – 6/9/09 Pickens: Americans Ready for Strong Energy Policy – Associated Press – 6/9/09 T. Boone Pickens Promotes Plan to Wean U.S. from Foreign Oil – WLOX – 6/9/09 Petroleum Geologists Wind Up Denver Convention – Denver Business Journal – Continue Reading

Pickens: U.S. Ready for a Strong Energy Policy

  • June 9, 2009

In an article written by Associated Press reporter Alan Sayre, Boone Pickens told a meeting of the Southern Growth Policies Board that “Americans concerned about national security are ready for the United States to adopt a strong policy that will wean the country off imported oil.” Boone also said that if the U.S. continues to Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 6.9.09

Q&A With Mike Cantrell: Energy Group Official Pushes Affordable Energy Policy – The Oklahoman – 6/9/09 GDF Suez Exec: US Energy Legislation Will Increase Gas Demand – Dow Jones – 6/9/09 T. Boone Pickens To Give Kumpuris Lecture Tonight – Arkansas Business – 6/9/09 Pickens to Address Southern Energy Summit, MS – Associated Press – Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 6.6.09-6.8.09

  • June 8, 2009

Time Is Money — About Half a Million Dollars a Minute – Huffington Post – 6/8/09 Southern Govs Meet Next Week to Discuss Energy – Associated Press – 6/5/09 Southern Governors Meet to Discuss Energy – Associated Press – 6/8/09 Natural Gas Plan Makes Sense – The Daily Advertiser – 6/7/09 Keep Oil Money At Continue Reading

Green Energy News & Imported Oil Figures

  • June 7, 2009

In an article published on the website, writer Bruce Mulliken lead with: Once oil man now energy independence evangelist T. Boone Pickens is correct when he says, “Our staggering dependence on foreign oil is responsible for more than two-thirds of our trade deficit, and it’s killing our economy and putting our national security at Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – June 5, 2009

  • June 5, 2009

“We are very excited about the unlimited opportunity that renewable energy and wind energy in particular offer this country… The number one opportunity is to create really good-paying jobs at a time when we desperately need to create jobs.” – Iowa Governor Chet Culver Continue Reading