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Fact of the Day – July 30, 2009

  • July 30, 2009

Lazard Capital Markets analyst Graham Mattison said in a recent conference call that demand for natural gas vehicles remains solid despite the overall slow down in vehicle sales. “This is supported by owners seeking to lower their fuel costs and also to meet increasingly stringent emission rules.” Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 7.30.09

Pickens Has Changed Energy Debate – The Wichita Eagle – 7/30/09 Billionaire Touts Clean Energy, Gas at Chamber Banquet – Lancaster New Era and Intelligencer Journal – 7/30/09 Pickens Stumps for Energy Independence at Lancaster Chamber Dinner – Central Penn Business Journal – 7/30/09 Summit Puts Spotlight on Clean Energy – Las Vegas Review Journal Continue Reading

Boone Pitches Plan to 2,500 in Pennsylvania

T. Boone Pickens spoke to the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce & Industry annual dinner and, according to P.J. Reilly, writing in the website talked about the value of the New Energy Army: It wasn’t until the past year, when he’s garnered the support of 1.6 million citizen members of his New Energy Army, that Continue Reading

One Year On the Eagle Lauds Boone and his Plan

The Wichita Eagle remembered a visit last July 30 by T. Boone Pickens to discuss the Pickens Plan to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil. In an editorial, the Eagle wrote: A year ago today, T. Boone Pickens brought his crusade for energy independence to Kansas, including to the offices of The Eagle editorial board. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 7.29.09

  • July 29, 2009

Upstate College Student Named State Director of Pickens Plan for Alternative and Domestic Energy – Greenville News – 7/28/09 Dallas Firm Fueling Change To Natural Gas In Corporate Fleets – Dallas Morning News – 7/29/09 Energy Independence: The Progress, The Problems… And A Way To Profit – Smart Profits Report – 7/28/09 Pickens Plan in Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – July 29, 2009

U.S. wind power capacity additions increased by 60 percent in 2008, representing a $16 billion investment in new wind projects. Continue Reading

Dallas Firm Leads in Gasoline/Diesel-to-Natural Gas Conversions

A Dallas firm, BAF Technologies, has emerged as a leader in helping cities, ports and corporations make the move from vehicles running on imported gasoline and diesel to those running on domestic natural gas. That is a central tenet of the Pickens Plan. An article in the Dallas Morning News by John Colman states, The Continue Reading

Read ‘em and weep!

We bought 354 million barrels of foreign oil for almost 25 billion dollars. That’s a lot of money sent to foreign markets where it doesn’t do us any good. But there’s no use crying … instead, get up and help us turn these numbers around and get America off foreign oil. Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – July 28, 2009

  • July 28, 2009

Because a lot of those governments are in trouble because they assumed that prices would stay high, that they were going to collect so- called rents forever. And they find, as in the case of Iran or Nigeria or Venezuela or even the Saudis, that they can do a lot better if oil is at Continue Reading