News and Updates

Listen to Boone on radio tomorrow

  • August 4, 2009

Dear Army: We want to let you know about a couple radio shows Boone will be appearing on tomorrow, August 5. He will be a guest on Taking Stock on Bloomberg Radio at 3:00 pm EDT. Prior to that appearance, he’ll also be on State of Nevada on KNPR at 10:00 am PDT tomorrow morning. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 8.4.09

A Conversation With T. Boone Pickens – Motley Fool – 8/4/09 Power Play: Clean Coal, Nukes Key to America’s Electricity Future – WSJ Blog – 8/4/09 If You Hated Gasoline at $4 a Gallon, Imagine It at $20: Books – Bloomberg – 8/4/09 Our View: Louisiana’s Success with V-Vehicle Pitch a Strong Sign – Alexandria Continue Reading

The Motley Fool Interviews Boone

The highly regarded financial website gave writer Jennifer Schonberger the assignment to interview T. Boone Pickens. She described Boone as “oil tycoon, champion of the Pickens Plan, and chairman of hedge fund BP Capital.” Here is a sampling of the conversation. Renewable energy: Wind and solar are not going to replace crude oil, because Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 8.1.09-8.3.09

  • August 3, 2009

Pickens’ Plan Backbone of New U.S. Energy Legislation – Baltimore Business Journal – 7/31/09 Fill ‘er Up with Natural Gas – Grand Junction Sentinel – 8/2/09 Make Way for Drilling – Press & Sun-Bulletin – 8/3/09 COLUMN: Gulf Drilling is a Winning Ticket: Let’s Cash It In! – Destin Log – 8/3/09 BABBLING BROOK: Does Continue Reading

Boone was Right: The World is Running Out of Oil

In a column posted in the U.K. newspaper, The Independent, writer Steve Conner noted that the International Energy Agency (IEA) has determined “global production is likely to peak in about 10 years – at least a decade earlier than most governments had estimated.” Dr Fatih Birol, the chief economist of the IEA, surved Continue Reading

Don't Rest During Recess

  • July 31, 2009

After a full day of stumping on Capitol Hill, Boone gave Congress a parting message before their August recess — pass the Nat Gas Act this year — and called on the Army to keep the pressure on at home. Continue Reading

American School Kids Win Big With American Energy

Can Yellow School Buses Cut Costs, Clean Up America, and Help End Our Addiction to Foreign Oil? Texas Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams Knows They Can. Continue Reading

I need you to contact your Members of Congress during the August recess

Dear Army  It’s that time of year again and your Members of Congress will be home soon for the August recess. They’ll be attending summer BBQs, holding townhall meetings, and looking for opportunities to hear from YOU!  There’s a lot going on and now is the time to keep the dangers of our dependence on Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – July 30, 2009

“At this current pace, wind is on a path to becoming a significant contributor to the U.S. power mix” – Ryan Wiser, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 7.31.09

Sen Reid: Sticking With Sep 28 Date On Energy Bill – Dow Jones – 7/30/09 Natural Gas and Plenty of It – Huffington Post – 7/30/09   Political Stars to Come to Energy Summit – Las Vegas Review Journal – 7/31/09 Billionaire Touts Clean Energy, Gas at Chamber Banquet – Lancaster Online – 7/30/09 Pickens: Continue Reading