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Join the Fight Against Foreign Oil

  • August 20, 2009

President Clinton and Al Gore join Boone and Jay Rosser to mark Boone’s 60th energy town hall/summit event. Boone said “we’re using 25% of all the oil every day with 4% of the population… the price is going to be so high… it’ll choke us or it’s going to be cut off. CLICK on Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 8.19.09

Terrible Twos Near For Natural Gas – Forbes – 8/18/09 Wind and Natural Gas: Frenemies Forever – WSJ Blog – 8/18/09 When Will a Sensible Energy Plan Arrive? – The Motley Fool – 8/18/09 T. Boone is Still Pickin’ Away at Energy Problem – Progressor Times – 8/19/09 Balqon’s Electric Truck: 90-Mile Range, Fully Loaded Continue Reading

KidsNews, Inc. reports on the Pickens Plan

  • August 19, 2009

KidsNews, Inc. recently featured a story about the Pickens Plan: It’s so easy to imagine the world 50 years from now. Children playing beneath spinning windmills on every suburban house’s lawn. Solar panels topping the roof of every home. Battery powered cars whoosh by on highways. That’s if we listen to T. Boone Pickens. They Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 8.18.09

  • August 18, 2009

Natural Gas for Freedom! – National Review Online – 8/17/09 Multi-Million Dollar Donor, Alum Gets a Glimpse of Finished Product – Tulsa World – 8/18/09 Cash For Clunkers: What Else Can It Be Used For? – BNET – 8/18/09 T. Boone Pickens and Ted Turner Suggest “Cash for Clunkers” for Coal Power Plants – TreeHugger Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 8.15.09-8.17.09

  • August 17, 2009

New Priorities For Our Energy Future – Wall Street Journal – 8/17/09 Natural Gas Takes Center Stage in Las Vegas – Huffington Post – 8/14/09 No Respect? Cheap Natural Gas Draws Political Crowd – WSJ Blog – 8/17/09 Letter: Join Effort for Creation of Alternative Energy Policy – – 8/16/09 Pickens Sheds Oil, Coal Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 8.14.09

  • August 14, 2009

Pickens Pitches Renewables, Natural Gas – Denver Daily News – 8/14/09 Pickens Warns Western Leaders of Foreign Oil Risks – KC Tribune – 8/13/09 Geoff Schumacher: The Low-Hanging Fruit – Las Vegas Review-Journal – 8/14/09 Clinton Expands his Clean Energy Challenge – Las Vegas Sun – 8/14/09 Nuclear Power’s New Debate: Cost – Christian Science Continue Reading

Video highlights from this week’s National Clean Energy Summit

Army: As Boone mentioned in his email to you on Wednesday, the Pickens Plan had a great day at the National Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas earlier this week.  Here’s a video of highlights from the event – we wanted to share this with you and ask you to forward it to just one Continue Reading

CNBC's Cramer is High on Natural Gas

Jim Cramer, the host of CNBC’s “Mad Money” is all about natural gas. He talked, yesterday, about the NAT GAS Act which is currently making its way though Congress. According to the CNBC Website, If passed, the NAT GAS Act, as it’s called, would extend the tax incentives for those who installed nat-gas refueling pumps Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 8.13.09

  • August 13, 2009

Look to Natural Gas as Solution – Denver Post – 8/13/09 Democrat Leaders to Descend on Denver (Again) – KUSA – 8/12/09 Gassing It Up – The Washington Times – 8/12/09 Green Revolution, Green Jobs Central to National Clean Energy Summit 2.0 – Environment News Service – 8/12/09 Nineteen Minutes In a Car With Harry Continue Reading

U.S. Showing No Signs of Reducing Dependence on Foreign Oil

Continues to Import 65% of Oil Supply Pickens Warns Western Leaders of Risks if Dependence Continues Denver, CO – August 13, 2009 – Speaking as a special guest at the Project New West Summit, energy expert T. Boone Pickens updated Western senators, governors and state leaders on the level of foreign oil imported by the Continue Reading