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Pickens Plan Media Coverage 10.15.09

  • October 15, 2009

Natural Gas Vehicles Would Cut Oil Imports – The Salt Lake Tribune – 10/14/09 ‘Pickens Plan’ Town Hall Set Oct. 29 in Stillwater – Tulsa World – 10/15/09 Pickens Plans Town Hall Meet at OSU – Stillwater NewsPress – 10/14/09 Pickens Plans Town Hall Meeting on Energy Future – The Enid News and Eagle – Continue Reading

David Johnson's CEO Spotlight interview with T. Boone Pickens

Click here to listen to David Johnson’s CEO Spotlight interview with T. Boone Pickens, a discussion about Dallas Area Rapid Transit’s proposal to buy nearly 600 buses powered by compressed natural gas, saving about $190 million over 20 years. Continue Reading

Sen. Coburn Signs Pickens Plan Pledge

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla) has become the latest Member of Congress to sign the Pickens Pledge for Energy Independence. Sen. Coburn who is a physician and a former member of the U.S. House, is on record as supporting legislation which would allow the “construction of much needed transmission capacity, including major natural gas ports Continue Reading

Dallas Ditches Diesel Buses

North Texans in 13 cities, including Dallas, will soon be commuting on buses powered by domestic natural gas. Yesterday's policy decision by Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) will change public transit for 220,000 daily passengers in a 700-square-mile service area. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 10.14.09

The Pickens Plan – The Hill’s Pundits Blog – 10/13/09 Financier Pushes for Independence from Foreign Oil – Virginian-Pilot – 10/14/09 U.S. Imported $25B in Oil in September – Dallas Business Journal – 10/13/09 DART May Buy Nearly 600 Buses that Run on Natural Gas – Dallas Morning News – 10/13/09 DART Moves to Buy Continue Reading

The Hill: The Pickens Plan makes life easier for joggers

  • October 13, 2009

One of the two major newspapers which cover Capitol Hill in Washington is named “The Hill.” The paper has senior strategists from both sides of the aisle blog on a regular basis. This appeared on Wednesday afternoon. The Pickens Plan By John Feehery – 10/13/09 The Hill’s Pundits Blog Back when I was a more Continue Reading

China's State-Run Energy Company to Buy Trillions of Cubic Feet of Russian Natural Gas

Boone Pickens has long said that American companies face an uphill battle when competing against state-owned energy companies. That was definitely the case on Tuesday when the prime ministers of Russia and China inked an agreement for 2.5 trillion cubic feet of gas per year. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 10.13.09

In a Big Switch, DART Staff to Recommend Natural Gas Buses – Dallas Morning News – 10/13/09 Betting Big on a Boom in Natural Gas – BusinessWeek – 10/12/09 Economy Better; Oil and Gas Still Struggling – Ada Evening News – 10/12/09 Wind Turbine Entrepreneur Invites Obama to Local Event – Hesperia Star – 10/12/09 Continue Reading

U.S. Spent $25 Billion on Foreign Oil in September

The September Oil Import numbers have been released and the news is not good. According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the U.S. Department of Energy we imported 357 million barrels of oil in September at a cost of $25 billion. We imported 63 percent of the oil we required in September which is Continue Reading