News and Updates

Fact of the Day – October 19, 2009

Based on the latest figures from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration, the U.S. imported 63% of its oil, or 357 million barrels in September 2009, sending approximately $25 billion, or $573,770 per minute, overseas to foreign governments. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 10.19.09

Transcript: T. Boone Pickens II – Forbes – 10/19/09 In Fighting Coal Plant, A Dilemma – The New York Times – 10/19/09 PD Editorial: A Proposition – Santa Rosa Press Democrat – 10/16/09 Stillwater High Student To Talk About Wind Power – Stillwater News Press – 10/16/09 A Green Investment – Smart Company – 10/19/09 Continue Reading

America Don't Go Back to Sleep

Boone warns Americans that they cannot forget where their oil dollars are going, mostly to other countries. Stand up for your country and your cause and get your elected representatives to sign up for the Pickens Plan and support the NAT GAS ACT Now! Continue Reading

Playing Politics With Energy

In his best-selling book The First Billion is the Hardest, T. Boone Pickens makes a point of singling out the many ways oil-producing countries such as Venezuela, Russia, and the OPEC cartel use their energy resources to exert undue influence over net importers such as China, India, Europe, and the U.S. “In January 2009 Russia Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 10.16.09

  • October 16, 2009

Time for a Different Fuel – The Baltimore Sun – 10/16/09 The Pickens Plan focuses on wind, natural gas as energy sources –  Florida Times-Union  – 10/16/09 Rich Pickens: Betting on Copenhagen – Business Spectator – 10/16/09 Pickens Warns Americans Not to Be Distracted By Falling Oil Prices – KC Tribune – 10/15/09 ‘Pickens Plan’ Continue Reading

City of Los Angeles Greenlights Natural Gas Fueling Station

More and more municipalities continue to recognize the many benefits of switching from imported diesel fuel to cleaner burning domestic natural gas. Earlier this week, Dallas Area Rapid Transit voted to authorize the purchase of 600 CNG-powered buses. Yesterday, the City of Los Angeles awarded a 10-year contract to design, build, and operate a new public access Continue Reading

Boone Pickens & Sen. Orrin Hatch Publish Joint Op-Ed

  • October 15, 2009

U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and T. Boone Pickens have published an essay in the Salt Lake Tribune which calls for a national program to make natural gas a major transportation fuel in America through the adoption of the NAT GAS Act which is currently working its way through Congress. Senator Hatch was an original Continue Reading

Look for Boone Near You!

From Norfolk to New York Boone is talking to CNBC, college students and cable pundits to push the Pickens Plan gospel. Now it is your turn. Click on! Continue Reading

Town Hall meeting with T. Boone Pickens at University of Maryland TOMORROW 10/16/09

Boone will be appearing at the University of Maryland for a Town Hall meeting tomorrow, Friday, October 16 at 10:30 a.m. EST.  He will be giving an update on the Pickens Plan and taking questions from the audience. Click here to RSVP Following are the event details: Friday, October 16, 2009 10:30 a.m. EST University Continue Reading