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Meet the Army – John Wesley Nobles, California State Leader

  • November 16, 2009

John Wesley Nobles, California State Leader -Tell us a little about yourself I am a former Mortgage Banker, and a California Real Estate Broker for over 35 years. I have been retired for about 6 years now.  During the past 2 years I just reconnected with my father’s side of the family.  His submarine, the Continue Reading

We reached our goal of 120 bi-partisan cosponsors of the NAT GAS Act!

  • November 13, 2009

Army. We reached our goal of 120 bi-partisan cosponsors of the NAT GAS Act (H.R. 1835) way before 11/20. Our efforts are having an impact! You know the numbers on natural gas: 2,000 trillion cubic feet of reserves in the continental United States; more than 100 years worth — enough to fuel our heavy truck Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – November 13, 2009

“We have about twice as much (natural gas) energy in the continental United States than all the oil reserves in Saudi Arabia.” T Boone Pickens, Naples Daily News, November 2, 2009 Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 11.13.09

Oil Falls to Four-Week Low on Larger-Than-Expected Supply Gain – Bloomberg – 11/12/09 Natural Gas Surge, Is It a Pipe Dream? – Washington Times – 11/13/09 U.S. Has Insatiable Thirst for Foreign Oil, But Leaves Natural Gas Resource Undeveloped – KC Tribune – 11/13/09 Third-Grader Lives Whirlwind of Fame – Stillwater NewsPress – 11/12/09 Continue Reading

The Secret of Boone's Success

  • November 12, 2009

Anyone who watches T. Boone in action knows that he makes the Engergizer Bunny look like a couch potato. Good genes, plenty of exercise, and unbridled curiousity - Meredith Land of the NBC affiliate in Dallas found out why. Continue Reading

Boone Pickens' Chooses Seven Most Influential in World Energy

The matrix of the world’s energy supplies, distribution channels, usage patterns and pricing mechanisms has never been as complex as it is today. One person or group can have a massive impact on the price of oil or gas by the simple turn of a valve, in a remote area thousands of miles away from Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 11.12.09

T. Boone Pickens Picks The World’s Seven Most Powerful In Energy – Forbes – 11/11/09 Pickens’ Plan Good for Alberta and Environment – Calgary Herald – 11/12/09 Power Shift: Winners and Losers In the Energy Future, From the IEA – WSJ Blog – 11/11/09 The Heavy Toll of Imported Oil – Green Energy News – Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – November 12, 2009

At the current production rates, “the current recoverable resource estimate provides enough natural gas to supply the U.S. for the next 90 years.”  John Podesta and Tim Wirth, “Natural Gas A Bridge Fuel for the 21st Century” released by the Center for American Progress Continue Reading

Pocatello Community Charter School installs a wind turbine

Check out this great video about the process of permitting and installing the first wind turbine at a school in Pocatello, Idaho! This is a project of Idaho’s Wind for Schools program. Continue Reading

Switching to Natural Gas is a "Global Gamechanger"

Boone spoke before several members of Congress who are part of the Natural Gas Caucus. They are taking the lead on our road to victory. Continue Reading