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Pickens Plan Media Coverage 11.26.09-11.30.09

  • November 30, 2009

Additional Names of Visitors Are Released by White House – New York Times – 11/26/09 White House Guests Include Friend and Foe – Washington Post – 11/26/09 Inside Washington: Stream of WH Health Care Visits – Associated Press – 11/26/09 Chamber Views: Talking Oil Dependency with Pickens – The Bristol Press – 11/29/09 Ignagni, Tauzin Continue Reading

National Academy of Sciences Report Highlights Benefits of NGVs

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) released a report last month called Hidden Costs of Energy that evaluates the externalities associated with energy production and use in the U.S. Prepared at the request of Congress, it analyzes different energy sectors and develops cost estimates for damages associated with criteria pollution as well as greenhouse gas Continue Reading

Boone Gives Back!

Boone opens the “T. Boone Pickens YMCA” in Downtown Dallas and then holds a town hall down the road at the University of Texas-Dallas. Continue Reading

Boone Connecticut Town Hall

T. Boone Pickens participated in a town hall meeting along with Congressman John Larson in East Hartford, Connecticut just before Thanksgiving. There were over 500 people at the event including the president of the Bristol, CT (home of ESPN) Chamber of Commerce. Mike Nicastro wrote about his visit with Boone in his newspaper column, writing: Continue Reading

China's Largest Energy Company Boosts Natural Gas Imports

  • November 27, 2009

China’s leading oil and gas producer is increasing its emphasize on natural gas. China National Petroleum Company (CNPC) has announced that it will increase production of natural gas as well as imports. The company’s natural gas production and pipeline transmission are at maximum capacity, said Hou Chuangye, deputy general manager of the company’s gas and Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 11.25.09

  • November 25, 2009

End the Mideast Oil Addiction – Forbes – 12/14/09 Pickens In The House, Alternative Energy On Menu At Augie & Ray’s – Hartford Courant – 11/25/09 Pickens, Larson Talk Natural Gas, Football at Goodwin Visit – Journal Inquirer – 11/25/09 Burka: Bill White Could Penetrate Perry Vote with Clean Energy – Dallas Morning News Blog Continue Reading

John Larson Hosts the Pickens Plan in Connecticut

The T. Boone Express traveled to the capital of Connecticut for a Town Hall meeting at Goodwin College, but Rep. John Larson insisted that the first order of business be a pit stop at Augie & Ray’s. For 60 years, the East Hartford eatery has been a mainstay for locals as well as honored guests, Continue Reading

Boone's Thanksgiving Wish

Boone joined Pickens Plan supporter Congressman John Larson for a Hartford Town Hall and offers Thanksgiving wishes to the Army Continue Reading

Natural Gas Shines in Report from National Research Council

  • November 24, 2009

One of the most important research entities in the country, the National Research Council, has just finished a study on the effects of different energy sources. Natural gas emerges as a smart choice to power vehicles and to generate electricity. Continue Reading

Meet the Army – Harvey Johnson, Texas State Leader

Harvey Johnson, Texas State Leader -Tell us a little about yourself I was born June 6, 1955 in Marlin, Texas. I have been married for 36 years, have four grown children and six grandchildren. I am proud to be one of the Texas state leaders for the Pickens plan. -Why are you a part of Continue Reading