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Meet the Army – Steve Kropper, Massachusetts State Leader

  • December 7, 2009

Steve Kropper, Massachusetts State Leader -Tell us a little about yourself I am the founder and CEO of WindPole Ventures, chartered to build a national, hub-height network that provides real time wind speed and direction data for power traders, ISO/RTO, wind developers and operators.  I’m a Founding Fellow in the NE Clean Energy Council.  My Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 12.5.09-12.7.09

A Path Forward with Natural Gas – Green Bay Press Gazette – 12/6/09 Let’s Keep Energy Money in the U.S. – Deseret News – 12/7/09 Letter: Why LNG? – The Daily Astorian – 12/4/09 Buck Visits Estes; McInnis Visits Tancredo – Estes Park Trail Gazette – 12/4/09 The Answer is Blowing in the Wind – Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – December 4, 2009

  • December 4, 2009

Compressed natural gas bus life-cycle costs are at least 45 percent lower than diesels or hybrids because they are more economical to purchase, fuel, and maintain. Continue Reading

Boone on Cavuto

T. Boone Pickens appeared with Neil Cavuto on the Fox Business Channel after the White House Jobs Summit and discussed the relationship between natural gas and jobs. Boone told Cavuto that if we moved 350,000 18-wheelers from burning imported diesel to running on domestic natural gas that would create 420,000 jobs directly and add an Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 12.3.09

  • December 3, 2009

An Energy Answer in the Shale Below? – The Washington Post – 12/3/09 A Conversation With T. Boone Pickens – The Motley Fool – 12/3/09 Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – December 3, 2009

During complete combustion of natural gas, only carbon dioxide, essential for plant life, and water are produced as byproducts. Continue Reading

Natural Gas Hits the Front Page

The Washington Post has a front page story in its Thursday editions headlined: “An energy answer in the shale below? New technology opens vast stores of natural gas, and the land rush is on” The piece, written by reporter Steven Mufson, quotes energy executive Tony Hayward, as saying: “The United States is sitting on over Continue Reading

11 Coal-Fired Plants to be Replaced by Natural Gas and Nuclear

  • December 2, 2009

Progress Energy is betting big on natural gas. On Tuesday, the North Carolina-based utility announced that it was closing 11 coal-fired plants and replacing them with ones using natural gas and nuclear power. Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – December 1, 2009

  • December 1, 2009

The United States is the world’s second largest wind energy producer after Germany. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 12.1.09

Commodities Surge in October, Set to Gain in 2010 – Financial Post – 11/30/09 Warren Buffett: The Next Clean Energy Baron? – Green Beat – 11/30/09 2010 Toyota Prius – The Epoch Times – 11/30/09 Continue Reading