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Fact of the Day – December 17, 2009

  • December 17, 2009

One way to prevent an oil supply disruption is to ensure our domestic production of oil is maintained.  Remaining U.S. oil fields are becoming increasingly costly to produce because much of the easy-to-find oil has already been recovered. – U.S. Department of Energy Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 12.17.09

T. Boone Pickens to Keynote Saturday Ceremony – San Marcos Daily Record – 121/7/09 Texas Football Boosters Think Big – Wall Street Journal – 12/17/09 2009, the Fight for New Energy & Why the Wind Industry Wins It – Renewable Energy World – 12/17/09 Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – December 16, 2009

  • December 16, 2009

The United States has three times the amount of natural gas it thought it had in 1966 — and 40 percent more than just a few years ago. In fact, more than 2,000 trillion cubic feet of natural gas is estimated to be available; at present consumption levels, that’s enough to heat all U.S. households Continue Reading

Rep. Larson Natural Gas Tax Break Extender Approved

U.S. Rep. John Larson (D-Ct) has had a bill approved that will extend for one year the tax credit for using domestic natural gas as a transportation fuel. The bill provides for a tax credit of 50 cents per gallon-equivalent of compressed or liquefied natural gas when used as a transportation fuel. This is an Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – December 15, 2009

  • December 15, 2009

General Electric has won a $1.4 billion contract to build wind turbines for a wind energy generation operation in Oregon. The operation will consist of 338 turbines, for installation in 2011 and 2012, at Oregon’s Shepherds Flat generations station, making it the largest wind farm in the nation. The station will have an 845 megawatt Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 12.15.09

Exxon Wagers $31 Billion on Gas Deal – Wall Street Journal – 12/15/09 Natural Gas Play: Exxon Mobil Buying XTO Energy For $31B & $10B In Debt – NPR News Blog – 12/14/09 21st Century Filling Station – Austin Business Journal – 12/15/09 Gustavo Coronel: Oil Shales: Still in the Future; Shale Gas: Already in Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – December 14, 2009

  • December 14, 2009

America is experiencing a natural gas revolution. Prices are 33 percent lower than they were last year, and the industry is producing significantly more gas, thanks to technology that has uncovered enormous new supplies of natural gas. – Senators Mary Landrieu and Saxby Chambliss Continue Reading

November Oil Imports – No Relief in Sight

T. Boone Pickens has issued his 12th monthly press release shining a spotlight on the amount of oil the United States continues to import. In a press release published Monday, December 14, “based on the latest figures from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA), the U.S. imported 61% percent of its oil, Continue Reading

Exxon Mobil to Buy XTO Energy for $41B

Energy giant Exxon Mobil will substantially increase its natural gas holdings by acquiring XTO Energy for $41 billion. The all-stock deal, which includes assuming $10 billion in XTO debt, was announced Monday morning. XTO has been a leading player in the development of unconventional natural gas resources, such as shale gas, which have led to Continue Reading

Foreign Companies Snap Up Iraqi Oil Rights; U.S. Shut Out

  • December 13, 2009

Foreign oil companies shut out the U.S. during the second round of bidding to develop Iraq's vast oil reserves, which rank third largest worldwide. Continue Reading