News and Updates

Catch Boone on CNBC and Fox Business today

  • March 4, 2010

Army, Make sure to watch Boone today on CNBC at 11:15am EST and Fox Business at 2pm EST. Tune in! Team Pickens Continue Reading

Texas Sets Wind Energy Record

  • March 3, 2010

This Sunday wind power fueled more than 22 percent of the electricity generated in Texas, an important step for America as it develops one of many untapped domestic energy resources. Continue Reading

Boone's ECOnomics

Boone gathers with energy leaders this week to update them from last year’s conference – here’s a quick look at 2009. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 3.2.10

Oil, Gas Execs Launch Lobbying Campaign – Houston Chronicle – 3/1/10 Bipartisanship exists among Ohio congressional representatives who support the Natural Gas Act of 2009 – Cleveland Plain Dealer – 3/2/10 Natural Gas Lobby Challenging Coal – The Hill – 3/1/10 Continue Reading

A Note About Fracking

  • March 1, 2010

The astonishing amount of natural gas which is now available in North America is largely due to relatively recent developments in recovering natural gas from shale deposits. Massive shale deposits under the continental United States in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Appalachia contain enormous amounts of natural gas. But until fracking was developed to be a Continue Reading

Boone & Hoffa Meet on Nat Gas

Teamsters general president Jimmy Hoffa and T. Boone Pickens met in Washington last week to discuss the Pickens Plan, the NAT GAS Act, and their impact on heavy-duty vehicle drivers, many of whom are members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. According to the website: Pickens and Hoffa met at the Teamsters’ headquarters. Pickens Continue Reading

Senator Udall on Mad Money

  • February 28, 2010

U.S. Senator Mark Udall appeared on the popular CNBC program “Mad Money” with host Jim Cramer Wednesday night, to discuss the growing momentum for the NAT GAS Act. Senator Udall told Jim Cramer that there is a bipartisan coalition in the Senate which is “supporting T. Boone Pickens’ Natural Gas Act and the Pickens Plan.” Continue Reading

Washington Post & Natural Gas

The Washington Post – one of the most influential newspapers in the United States and on Capitol Hill – had an editorial on Sunday titled: “A Natural Choice” which extols the benefits of using natural gas instead of coal for generating electricity. The editorial looks at natural gas from the environmental point-of-view. It begins: “In Continue Reading

A Big Day in DC

  • February 26, 2010

While the president had his health care summit, on the other side of town Boone took the case for natural gas to the lawmakers. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 2.25.10

  • February 25, 2010

Mad Money High Noon – CNBC – 2/24/10 Mad Money – CNBC – 2/24/10 Selling Nat Gas to Senators – CNBC – 2/24/10 Market Research on Fuel Cells in Vehicles – Live Trading News – 2/25/10 Bill Barrett Corp’s Sweet Deal to Drill the Rocky Mountains – Huffington Post – 2/24/10 Continue Reading