News and Updates

Boone Talks Energy Bill on CNBC

  • April 26, 2010

T. Boone Pickens was interviewed on CNBC Monday as he was attending the Milken Institute Global Conference in California. Boone said that he was disappointed that the energy bill which was to have been introduced in Washington by Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.), Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has been postponed but said it Continue Reading

Boone’s Letter to the Editor in the Wall Street Journal

The following letter was printed in the Wall Street Journal Monday morning: For six months I have been warning about the danger to America’s economy and national security presented by the Chinese utilizing state-owned banks to provide funding for state-owned oil companies to buy or control oil supplies (“China’s $20 Billion Bolsters Chávez,” page one, Continue Reading

Tea Party With a Difference

  • April 24, 2010

The following op-ed by Thomas L. Friedman ran in The New York Times on Saturday: I’ve been trying to understand the Tea Party Movement. Sounds like a lot of angry people who want to get the government out of their lives and cut both taxes and the deficit. Nothing wrong with that — although one Continue Reading

"Stop Funding Both Sides of the War" Says Graham

  • April 22, 2010

Senator Lindsey Graham told POLITICO “f our country doesn’t get an energy vision and start incentivizing alternative sources of energy, this whole international movement to clean up the planet is going to pass us by, and we’re going to be following China instead of leading China.” In a wide ranging interview, Graham also singled out the fact Continue Reading

Earth Day 2010

Army: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The Pickens Plan would not be where it is today without the New Energy Army. So on this 40th Anniversary of Earth Day, I’ve asked some of my most loyal foot soldiers to share their thoughts on what makes Earth Day so important for the Continue Reading

More Chinese Oil Money for Venezuela

  • April 19, 2010

The Wall Street Journal is reporting this morning that, “China has promised to lend $20 billion to Venezuela, the country’s President Hugo Chávez said over the weekend, underscoring the Asian giant’s push to deepen ties to oil-rich nations in the developing world.” Last week, testifying to the Ways & Means Committee in the U.S. House Continue Reading

China Now Leads the Race to Lock Up Energy Resources

  • April 18, 2010

Visit to read our special report: Foreign Oil: China Has a Plan. We Don’t. The New York Times reports that the recent flurry of deal-making in the energy sector is mainly a result of a global race that is centered on locking up resources. With 87 percent of the world’s oil reserves controlled by foreign Continue Reading

Pickens Wind Farm Wins Preliminary Approval

  • April 17, 2010

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) approved a certificate of need and draft site permit for the 78-megawatt Goodhue Wind project, which is being developed by T. Boone Pickens’s Mesa Power Group and General Electric. The two companies have teamed up to form a joint venture called American Wind Alliance that is financing and supplying wind Continue Reading

Pickens Media Coverage 4.12.10- 4.16.10

  • April 16, 2010

New Study Pushes Natural Gas Use in Heavy Trucks – Trucking Info – 4/16/10 Panel Approves Goodhue Wind Project – Finance and Commerce – 4/16/10 Oil-And-Gas Experts Debate Tax Incentives On Capitol Hill – Smart Brief – 4/15/10 How to End America’s Addiction to Oil – Wall Street Journal – 4/15/10 Oilman T. Boone Pickens Continue Reading

Biggest Day We've Had to Date

Boone testified before the Ways and Means Committee and made sure 1.6 million of you were heard! Continue Reading