Category Archives


Boone visits NYC to talk about the 2012 election

  • August 24, 2012

This week, Boone visited CBS, CNBC, Business Insider and Reuters to talk about energy and the upcoming political conventions. Continue Reading

North American Energy Alliance

  • July 30, 2012

Boone talks about a North American Energy Alliance and how we can work together with Canada and Mexico to reduce our dependence on OPEC oil. Continue Reading

Happy 4th Anniversary!

  • July 9, 2012

July 2012 marks the 4th anniversary of the Pickens Plan. Over those four years we — and I mean you and me — have had a profound impact on the energy dialogue in America. When we began our initiative, few understood the potential for natural gas as a transportation fuel and the impact it could Continue Reading

Boone on Fox News Sunday

  • June 24, 2012

Watch the latest video at Continue Reading