Category Archives


Join the Energy Summit!

  • February 17, 2009

Boone asks you to join him and the Center for American Progress featuring new Energy Secretary Steven Chu. Visit the Pickens Plan Summit page to watch the event live on Monday, Feb. 23 at 10:15 a.m. EST. Continue Reading

Army Attends Oil Import Announcement

  • February 11, 2009

Army members come out to support Boone in Houston. Texas legislature Beverly Woolley says “we cannot have foreign countries controlling out oil supply.” Contact Congress and help pass HR-1! Thank you Texas Army! Continue Reading

January Oil Import Numbers: A $17B Giveaway to Foreign Governments

  • February 7, 2009

Boone reports January’s Oil Import numbers from Houston, the “oil capital of the United States.” According to the Department of Energy that’s a 7 % increase over December. This must stop! Continue Reading

America + Stimulus = Success!

  • February 4, 2009

Boone talks to Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid who says that we need “serious effort” to move forward on heavy duty natural gas vehicles. Lets give another PUSH to the Senators to keep the stimulus package with incentives for alternative energy: call upon them now and go to! Continue Reading

Call Congress Now!

  • January 27, 2009

Boone says Obama will be the one to make energy Independence happen. Call Congress Now while they’re voting on the stimulus package! Continue Reading

Boone Calls for Wind Bank

  • January 26, 2009

While Obama was taking the oath, Boone was talking to mayors and President Clinton about creating a “Wind Bank” to get America to oil and financial independence. President Clinton gives a call to action to continue the march to energy independence! Keep marching, Army. Continue Reading

Boone Reports December Foreign Oil Numbers to Congress

  • January 18, 2009

Boone hits the marble floors of the Hart Senate Office Building after announcing the monthly foreign oil numbers. Continue Reading

Boone On The Road Again

  • January 9, 2009

Boone packed his white board and went back on the road this time to speak to the Rice University Baker Institute of Public Policy’s Energy Forum. Listen to what the students say. You are right, there should be an energy studies major! Now back to the books! Continue Reading

Yes We Can, and Yes We Will

  • January 5, 2009

Yes We Can, and Yes We Will Continue Reading

Pickens Plan victory in your hands!

  • December 30, 2008

Only six months ago, Boone launched the Pickens Plan and America responded! We are an Army almost 1.5 million strong! With a new president less than a month away, join the Army, take the pledge, be a District leader, stand shoulder to shoulder with your fellow citizens and make the world safer and the country Continue Reading