Boone takes New York
Boone talks energy independence with major news networks and sends his thoughts and prayers to those affected by the Gulf oil spill. Continue Reading
Boone at White House Correspondents Weekend
Boone talked up the Pickens Plan at events around Saturday’s White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner and his meetings with Senators Harry Reid and Orrin Hatch. Continue Reading
A Win As Big As Cable
Yesterday Boone was with Michael Milken and one of the first members of the Pickens Plan Army, Ted Turner, at the Milken Institute Global Conference. They discussed natural gas and Turner says the time is now. Continue Reading
Biggest Day We've Had to Date
Boone testified before the Ways and Means Committee and made sure 1.6 million of you were heard! Continue Reading
Watch on Wednesday
Congress invites Boone back to testify on Wednesday about jobs and H.R. 1835, the NAT GAS Act. Continue Reading
Plant Your Tree Today
Boone speaks to leaders in the Natural Gas vehicle industry in Kentucky. They know their efforts will help reduce America’s dangerous dependence on OPEC oil. Continue Reading
Boone Reacts to Obama Plan
President Obama rolls out new oil and gas development plans. Boone says it’s a good start but the NAT GAS Act (H.R. 1835 and S. 1408) will help reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Continue Reading
The Time is Now
As Washington gets back to business after the health care vote, we remind you of the President’s words at his first State of the Union Address, and Governor Bob McDonnell’s response in January. We can work together to make energy legislation part of our country’s future! Continue Reading
Pickens Radio Alert!
While health care paralyzes Washington, Boone updates the Pickens Plan faithful with the monthly oil numbers. Continue Reading
8 Million 18-wheelers
Boone challenges Washington leadership to convert 18 wheelers to natural gas on CNBC. Continue Reading