Big Think with T. Boone Pickens
T. Boone Pickens recently shared his roadmap to an energy-independent and more sustainable American future with Big Think. Continue Reading
Pickens Plan 3 Year Anniversary
We’re 3 years old! By the time we’re 4 years old, I am certain we will have reached our goal. Thank you, Army, for all that you’ve done! Continue Reading
We are picking America to win
The opposition is coming at us saying that we’re picking winners and losers. That’s not so – we’re picking America over OPEC and national security over terrorists. Continue Reading
The Pickens Plan is gaining momentum!
This is a fight for energy independence and we’re gaining momentum. Special interests have always kept America from having an energy plan. Even the Saudis are now saying we need to bring the price of oil down because alternative energy is being seriously considered in the United States. There are 191 bi-partisan cosponsors of HR Continue Reading
NGVAmerica TV Spot
Click here to email your Member of Congress in support of the NAT GAS Act (HR 1380) today! Continue Reading
Support for the Pickens Plan on Morning Joe
This morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, the panel discussed Thomas Friedman’s recent op-ed in the New York Times focused on the death of Osama bin Laden, how U.S. energy policy is dangerously tied to the unstable situation in the Middle East, and how the Pickens Plan is a solution to ending our dependence. Continue Reading
Boone on Bloomberg TV at the Milken Conference
Boone Pickens speaks with Willow Bay and Lisa Murphy on Bloomberg Television’s “Fast Forward” at the Milken Conference. He talks about his view that oil prices are likely to rise because demand is forecast to exceed supply in the fourth-quarter. He also says natural gas fracking is “safe.” Continue Reading
NY Times Columnist on Meet the Press: We Need Natural Gas
David Brooks, a highly respected columnist for the New York Times, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” this week that the “natural gas issue is an essential point,” in discussing America’s energy future. He said that “natural gas is the fuel of the future even though it’s the fuel of the present,” but we “don’t Continue Reading
Boone Meets the Press
Boone reports on his recent trip to DC to speak at the National Press Club and his interview with David Gregory from Meet the Press. Has your Member of Congress signed on as a cosponsor of the NAT GAS Act? If not, contact them today. Continue Reading