East Baton Rouge Department of Public Works Director William Daniel announced that compressed natural gas has won out over diesel or gasoline as the agency’s transportation fuel of choice. As Daniel accurately noted, natural gas is a less expensive alternative to both, and its emissions are markedly lower.
“We can save money (on fuel costs) and serve the people of the parish more efficiently by doing this,” Daniel said.
David Guillory of the Department of Public Works noted that his agency will be particularly interested in replacing its maintenance and operations vehicles, which include heavy dump trucks, tractors, and large pickup trucks.
“We do have a lot of passenger vehicles, but it’s the heavy-duty pickups that we’d really like to save on fuel and burn cleaner fuel sources,” Guillory said.
Baton Rouge follows in the footsteps of Lafayette and Shreveport, which already have some city buses that run on natural gas.
Read more HERE.