President Barack Obama today unveiled a series of energy initiatives that closely track those proposed by legendary energy executive T. Boone Pickens, who applauded the President’s energy package.
The energy initiatives outlined by the President include incentives to move America’s heavy duty and fleet vehicles to domestic natural gas as a transportation fuel away from OPEC oil/diesel/gasoline, which Pickens has called a grave threat to America’s national and economic security.
The newly unveiled plan by the President also calls for a dramatic increase in the use of renewables – chiefly wind and solar – in America’s power generation grid.
Those are key pillars of The Pickens Plan, first outlined by Pickens in July 2008. For three-and-a-half years, Pickens has invested nearly $100 million and thousands of hours to educate the public and Washington policymakers on the need to address the OPEC oil threat.
“I’ve accomplished my goal of achieving legislation and proposed policies to help solve the OPEC oil crisis,” Pickens said. “The ball’s now in Washington’s court. What we need is leadership. Despite the political partisanship that divides Washington, I am hopeful and confident Congress will put America’s best energy future first.
“While we can take a victory lap, the work is not done. It’s great to see the President engaging in important and meaningful dialogue on this subject. But proposals are not enacted policies. The pressure needs to remain on. We can’t let the special interests do what they’ve done for 40 years, and that’s block a long-term energy plan for America.
Added Pickens: “While Washington appears to now understand the issue, make no mistake. I will continue to be outspoken on this subject, and continue to call out the special interests that are working to undermine this bold and important agenda.”
During his campaign, Pickens has amassed a 1.7 million person “army” that has been a key voice in advancing The Pickens Plan energy agenda. Pickens said he will work diligently with that army to ensure they remain educated on energy issues and equipped to play a lead role in advancing the natural gas transportation fuel initiatives as well as a renewable power generation future. That will include a focus on calling out the special interests who oppose them, he said.
Legislation to provide incentives to move the nation’s heavy duty and fleet vehicles to natural gas has widespread bipartisan support in Congress, with more than 180 co-sponsors in the U.S. House of Representatives. A similar bill in the Senate also has strong bipartisan support.