As we move into the final Congressional push of the year, we’ve received some very good news: A new report by the National Petroleum Council (NPC) has affirmed other studies showing that not only do we have an abundance of natural gas in the United States, but we have so much natural gas that “projected supplies can meet any projected demand through [at least] 2035.”
That means that a quarter of a century from now, we’ll have as much natural gas available as we do today and our previous estimates of a “100 year supply” are extended for an additional 25 years.
The results of this study have an effect on just about every aspect of the Pickens Plan you have been working so hard to get Congress to adopt including:
— economic (jobs and taxes)
— environmental (lower emissions)
— national security (reduce OPEC imports)
If you haven’t already, I need you to contact your Member of Congress and your U.S. Senators and tell them that the National Petroleum Council study makes passage of the bipartisan NAT GAS Act (H.R. 1380 in the House and S. 1863 in the Senate) an absolute necessity. If you’ve already contacted them, please ask your friends and family to do so, as well.