The editorial board of The Oklahoman took a long hard look at what Washington is doing to develop an energy plan for America. The end result? The Oklahoman is throwing in the towel.
On the one hand, the Energy Department wants to go green. On the other, the White House is tabling a plan to import oil from Canada. The State Department has just announced a new bureau to address energy policy, which, according to The Oklahoman, is essentially going to maintain our reliance on Middle Eastern oil.
This lack of a coordinated planning reminds The Oklahoman of “two oil tankers passing in a misty night.”
The editors did make reference to the Pickens Plan, however.
Boone Pickens has a plan for energy. Many people do. But Sam’s your uncle and he doesn’t have one. He’s on a tanker bringing more oil from the Persian Gulf, engaged in “vigorous diplomacy” to preserve the energy status quo.
Read the complete editorial HERE.