“Congress ought to pay attention to the Texas wildcatter.”
That’s the conclusion of a December editorial in the Amarillo Globe-News that described T. Boone Pickens’s crusade to end America’s dangerous dependency on imported oil.
Pickens is now prodding Congress to enact incentives that would convert fleet vehicles and long-haul trucks to compressed natural gas (CNG).
The newspaper voiced its support for the Pickens Plan and answered skeptics’ questions by pointing out key elements of the plan:
CNG is cleaner than diesel, which of course is made with fossil fuel – much of which comes into this country from nations that aren’t always friendly to the United States.
The editors also reiterated key calculations that Pickens has used in his now famous whiteboard presentation:
Pickens has said that converting 8 million of these vehicles to CNG could reduce imported oil by half.
Read the entire editorial HERE.