On Sunday, the editorial board of the Washington Post threw its support behind President Obama’s statement immediately following the mid-term elections that he can find common ground with House Republicans on a variety key issues. Leading the list is domestic energy policy.
In an editorial titled “Renewed Energy,” the editorial board referenced the president’s remarks about developing America’s substantial domestic energy resources, including natural gas.
The president mapped out the contours of a possible compromise – a program of government support for natural gas, nuclear plants, clean transportation technologies, renewable sources of energy and efficiency. This echoes the “all-of-the-above” energy proposal that House Republicans endorsed last year in their American Energy Act.
The Post pointed out that grand attempts at energy legislation during the current Congress, such as the much discussed cap-and-trade proposal, have been taken off the table and are not under consideration. But where President Obama and Congress could work together is on a more targeted approach that features “smaller-bore government interventions” that will “prod the energy sector in directions lawmakers favor.”
But incremental action is better than none.
Furthermore, the editorial specifically cited “a program of government support for natural gas,” which echoes the intent and focus of the Pickens Plan.
Read the entire editorial HERE.