Each week we’ll be reporting on some of the activities of our army members across the country. If you are interested in getting involved in your state, visit the State and District Leaders page here: https://pickensplan.com/district-leaderboard/

Legislative Update

The total number of co-sponsors for the NAT GAS Act (HR 1835): 146 Members of Congress
Is your Member of Congress a co-sponsor? Find out here: https://pickensplan.com/inyourstate


  • Arizona State Leader Dave Clement has been pounding the pavement in support of Natural Gas legislation. He has sent letters to his entire sphere–newsletter subscribers, email list, customers. California State leaders John Nobles and Wayne Bowser are delivering the same messages via their Thursday radio program.
  • Colorado District Leader Scott Scharin wrote Congressman John Salazar (CO-03) and urged him to support HR 1835. Congressman Salazar sent him the following response: “As a co-sponsor of this bill, I agree it is an important step towards our country’s energy independence. We must move forward to end our dependence on foreign oil and increase our national security. Like you, I believe natural gas can play an important role in a comprehensive energy reform plan. Any plan to reform our energy policies must include an investment in renewable energy technology, expand domestic energy supplies – including natural gas – and create more energy efficient vehicles, buildings, homes, and infrastructure.”
  • Georgia State Leader Sam Fleet met with Georgia Public Service Commissioner Doug Everett to discuss the Pickens Plan and installing CNG stations across Georgia.
  • Iowa State Leader Bob Shultis received the following response from Senator Chuck Grassley: “Most recently, on July 28th, Majority Leader Harry Reid introduced the Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Company Accountability Act of 2010. This bill contains funding for a government program which uses fees on offshore oil to fund the acquisition of private land by the federal government. The bill also includes subsidies for natural gas trucks and electric cars and $5 billion to subsidize home energy efficiency improvements. However, Majority Leader Reid’s bill did not include a renewable electricity standard. On August 3rd, Majority Leader Reid announced that the Senate would not have an opportunity to consider an energy bill until at least September. Expanded use of alternative and renewable energy is good for our environment while ensuring our nation’s energy security. As the ranking Republican member of the Senate Finance Committee, the committee which has jurisdiction over the nation’s tax and trade policies, you can be assured that I will continue my efforts to ensure that the tax code encourages the increased production of alternative and renewable energy. Thank you for writing to express your support for the New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions (NAT GAS) Act of 2009. I agree that America is heavily reliant on imported oil to meet its energy needs, and that developing more domestically abundant energy resources like natural gas can move us closer to the goal of energy independence.”
  • New York District Leader David Elia received the following response from Senator Charles Schumer: “As you know, the NAT GAS Act aims to capitalize on the abundance of domestically produced energy by transitioning America’s transportation infrastructure and automobile industries away from traditional petroleum fuel powered technology towards natural gas power technology. This would be accomplished by promoting the purchase and use of natural gas vehicles, and incentivizing the installation of natural gas fuel pumps, service stations and depots. Additionally, the bill would mandate that at least 50% of all new vehicles purchased by the US Government be capable of operating on natural gas by 2014. The NAT GAS Act has been referred to the Finance Committee, of which I am a member, and I will closely monitor the bill as the committee begins consideration.”
  • Ohio District Leaders Jim Pirko, Jim Lewis, and Phil Herbert will be interviewed live on WKBN 1400 AM Monday Morning at 10 am ET in support of the Pickens Plan and to promote Boone’s appearance Monday night in Cleveland.
  • Pennsylvania State Director Mike Johnston is still waiting to update the House GOP Caucus and Attorney General (who is the likely incoming Governor) regarding their proposed energy agenda.
  • Virginia District Leader Thomas Arrington was appointed to the VA General Assembly’s Joint Commission on Technology and Science.
  • In Washington, DC, The National Journal is hosting a screening of “Haynesville” and DC-area Pickens Plan Leaders are attending.

Want to get involved in your State? Click here: https://pickensplan.com/district-leaderboard/