Each week we’ll be reporting on some of the activities of our army members across the country. If you are interested in getting involved in your state, visit the State and District Leaders page here: https://pickensplan.com/district-leaderboard/
Legislative Update
The total number of co-sponsors for the NAT GAS Act (HR 1835): 146 Members of Congress
Is your Member of Congress a co-sponsor? Find out here: https://pickensplan.com/inyourstate
• California State Leader John Nobles met with Star Parker-Republican Party congressional candidate for CA-37. She is also a syndicated columnist. If elected she has indicated she will support natural gas legislation. John will be at Victorville College on the 17th to give a presentation to the about the need for a comprehensive energy plan students that includes natural gas. He said they will also be showing Haynesville.
• Idaho State Leader Ryan Jones received the following response from Representative Mike Simpson “I take our nation’s energy crisis seriously and, as a member of the House Subcommittee on Energy and Waste. Appropriations and a member of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus, I will continue to support meaningful and effective energy legislation. Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact me about this issue. As your representative in Congress, it is important to me to know your thoughts and opinions about issues affecting our nation today.”
• Mississippi army member Pat Tillson presented the Pickens Plan to the Claiborne County Kiwanis Club. She urged them to contact Senators Cochran & Wicker and ask them to co-sponsor S 1408. Her questions from the crowd were very pro Pickens Plan.
• New York District Leader David Elia received the following response from Representative Christopher Lee regarding the NAT GAS Act. “Thank you for contacting me in regards to the New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions Act. I appreciate you taking the time to share your views. As you know, this bill would provide incentives to increase the production and use of natural gas-fueled vehicles, with the aim of ultimately reducing our dependence on foreign oil. This issue is currently before the House Committee on Science and Technology, the Committee on Ways and Means as well as the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. While I do not serve on these panels, I will be sure to keep your views in mind should this legislation come before the full House of Representatives.”
• Pennsylvania State Director Mike Johnston organized a visible presence, distributed collateral materials and spoke at the Central PA Marcellus Shale Job Fair on September 11, 2010.
• Pennsylvania State Director Mike Johnston continued contacting state, local and federal candidate to determine their position on the Pickens Plan and reported back with responses from 12 more elected officials and candidates.
• Texas army member Richard Moore sent an Op-Ed to the El Paso Times, trumpeting natural gas as a jobs creator, transportation fuel and answer to US national and economic security.
• Virginia District Leader Thomas Arrington is up for consideration for appointment to the VA General Assembly’s Joint Commission on Technology and Science.
Want to get involved in your State? Click here: https://pickensplan.com/district-leaderboard/