Each week we’ll be reporting on some of the activities of our army members across the country. If you are interested in getting involved in your state, visit the State and District Leaders page here: https://pickensplan.com/district-leaderboard/
Legislative Update
The total number of co-sponsors for the NAT GAS Act (HR 1835): 146 Members of Congress
Is your Member of Congress a co-sponsor? Find out here: https://pickensplan.com/inyourstate
- Arizona State Leader Dave Clement: “We sent out the question to all our Arizona Congressional Delegates. We have Cathy Eden running for Senate from Arizona committed to the NAT GAS Act. For House candidates we have so far AZ Dist 1 Sydney Hay, AZ Dist 2 John Thrasher, AZ Dist 4 Rebecca DeWitt, AZ Dist 5 Susan Bitter Smith (Susan said she spent quite a bit of time with the AGA), and AZ Dist 6 Rebecca Schneider. Thanks!”
- Arizona State Leader Dave Clement has been emailing the LTE message to district members, elected officials and also to his list of customers and has been posting on Facebook as well. He also talked with Steve Stoltz, the candidate for US House in AZ District 8 and got him to join the Pickens Plan on Facebook.
- California Leaders John Nobles and Wayne Bowser have been focusing on the candidates as well. They hosted Representative Jerry Lewis CA-41 on their radio show last week. Though Representative Jerry Lewis has not signed on as a co-sponsor, he is a supporter of Natural Gas but has concerns about cap and trade. Representative Lewis was a speaker at an event at the Cocky Bull (!) in Victorville, California. John and Wayne attended, as did about 600 others. Representative Lewis publicly spoke about our need to get off foreign oil and specifically mentioned natural gas as an alternative fuel that will help get us there.
- Colorado Army Member Richard Cummings: “We made this morning’s editorial page in The Longmont Times Call newspaper.”
- Florida State Leader Jeff Greene addressed the Palm Beach City Council about the Pickens Plan and convinced them to place a national gas fueling station in the city.
- Florida Army Member Thomas Ferris: “U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite has emailed me back saying she is for Natural Gas. She is retiring after this term in office.”
- Hawaii Army Member Richard Ferguson: “T. Boone: I have received letters from Senators Akaka and Inouye indicating support for the natural gas “bridge”. However, their support was seemingly only in the context of all the other green energy stuff.”
- Jeremy Boggess (ID–01) continues to campaign for an Idaho State Senate seat and mentions the Pickens Plan frequently, and also places fliers around local/regional communities.
- New York Army Member Frederick Rovente: “Boone, I have been posting in our local paper for almost 3 years now on the benefits of natural gas. Andrew Cuomo will not define his position on natural gas. He visited Ithaca which is the mecca of anti-drilling in New York state. I have a farm on the NY/PA border, and I can almost see a well from my porch, yet, we cannot drill or lease because it is NY.”
- North Carolina Army Member Bill Miller: “Mike McIntyre our local congressman says he supports using more natural gas to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.”
- North Carolina State Director Andrew Rauly followed up an energy questionnaire that he was circulating to every member of the North Carolina delegation (in both parties) regarding the NAT GAS Act and the Pickens Plan.
- Ohio State Leader Veronica Gold attended the GEI event on 8/23 and was introduced to Rep. Charlie Wilson by District Leader Jim Lewis. She had a lengthy discussion with the Congressman regarding the Pickens Plan. Ohio District Leader Jim Pirko also had a conference call with Congressman Wilson, and he announced his plan to become a co-sponsor of HR 1835 on September 14th, upon return to DC.
- Ohio District Leader Jim Pirko has secured a guaranteed slot for a radio interview in morning programming on WKBN 570 am. They are scheduling dates to forward to TBPs scheduler at the present, in case he can make it.
- Army Member Marc Loring: “Mr. Pickens, I have been a loyal follower of your army since its conception. I also have been involved with green field wind farm projects with Moreland Sherrod in the Oklahoma/Texas panhandle. Two senators in the state of Colorado, which I now reside in the city of Boulder, are on board with the Pickens Plan. The two I refer too are Mr. Mark Udall, and Mr. Bennett. I have sent them numerous e-mails as per your instructions over the last several years, and they are both in agreement with your plan, as Colorado is a existing natural gas state, and very pro active on alternative energy, mainly solar and the wind industry. I also own a family farm/ranch in the Oklahoma panhandle just north of Guymon, and am a huge supporter of the wind industry, and natural gas industry to get America off foreign mid east oil. Please keep up your vision Mr. Pickens, and efforts concerning America’s effort to be free of mid east oil dependency.”
- Oklahoma Army Member Rob Hunt: “Had a good conversation with potential congressman James Lankford, Oklahoma City. Keep up the good work!”
- Pennsylvania State Director Mike Johnston is finalizing arrangements to organize a visible presence at the Central PA Marcellus Shale Job Fair on September 11, 2010 (it was originally scheduled for August 27 – 28, 2010). Mike has requested collateral materials to distribute at event and he may also host a screening of the movie Haynesville at the job fair.
- South Carolina State Director Logan Berry followed up an energy questionnaire that he was circulating to every member of the South Carolina delegation (in both parties) regarding the NAT GAS Act and the Pickens Plan.
- Virginia State Director Clynton Caines and VA-04 DL Thomas Arrington held meetings on Capitol Hill with US Senators Mark Warner and Jim Webb to discuss to Pickens Plan on August 26, 2010. Both senators want to reduce our OPEC imports. They explained the points about tax incentives for fleets that convert to CNG. It was positive. From the discussion, they think that both Senators are supportive, but they were evasive about giving a decisive commitment.
Want to get involved in your State? Click here: https://pickensplan.com/district-leaderboard/