One of business television’s most popular hosts, CNBC’s Jim Cramer, talked about natural gas on his “Mad Money” show Tuesday:
“We have so much of this fuel it’s ridiculous. We exceed Saudi Arabia … it’s the obvious solution to all of our cleaner energy needs.”
“I say we can use this fuel to run our cars and trucks and to replace dirtier sources of energy like local at our power plants in the United States.”
Cramer said that because natural gas is so abundant in the United States, and the rest of the world already has such a huge need for it:
“I’ve arrived at a ‘eureka moment:’ Within this decade we are going to become a huge natural gas exporter – maybe the largest in the world.”
He pointed to Argentina as an example of a country which is moving swiftly to change its national fleet of cars and trucks from gasoline and diesel to natural gas.
“They have 1.8 million vehicles running on the stuff. They need our natural gas in Argentina. They need it badly.”
The U.S. Congress is currently considering a wide variety of bills to improve our energy posture, create jobs, and clean up the air. The NAT GAS Act (H.R. 1835 and S. 1408) language is in many of them.
Here’s the clip from Mad Money (scroll to 34:45 for his natural gas comments):
— The Pickens Team