Jon Hand, New York District 5 Leader
– Tell us about yourself.
My name is Jon Hand and I am a student at Pace University as well as the New York District 5 Leader for the Pickens Plan. I’m majoring in marketing, minoring in environmental studies, and look forward to seeing the NAT GAS Act pass in 2010.
– Why are you a part of the Pickens Plan?
It is imperative to the success of our economy, the preservation of our security and the general prosperity of America that we eliminate our dependence on foreign oil, and the Pickens Plan is the only option I’ve seen that has a realistic plan to do so. I think it’s my responsibility as an American to voice my concerns to the government and to my fellow citizens. As a college student, I strongly believe that it’s crucial that my peers educate themselves on the energy crisis since it is my generation who will be soon entering the workforce and creating change.
– Tell us about things you’ve done to promote the Pickens Plan.
It’s important that today’s youth – my peers – understand the severity of the situation we’re in, so I have focused my efforts on college students. I promote the Pickens Plan via Facebook, e-mail, Powerpoint presentations in class, and one-on-one conversations (which can sometimes turn into debates). Of course, I have reached out to my elected officials on numerous occasions, in the form of an e-mail, phone call, or written letter. Beyond that, I write for an online business letter in which I focus on energy and the environment, and promote values consistent with my beliefs and the Pickens Plan.
– Share one idea for what you’d like to accomplish through your work with the Pickens Plan in the next 3 months.
Three months from now, I will be back in school. I would love to invite Boone to Pace University to speak to my professors and classmates, as well as some New York reporters, and maybe even some elected officials from City Hall (which is right across the street from my campus). His presence at Pace University would stir up interest amongst my peers, and help gain the attention of students at neighboring universities (Columbia, NYU and Fordham).
“Meet the Army” is a series here on Daily Pickens featuring New Energy Army members and how they are making a difference by being involved in the Pickens Plan. Who knows, maybe we’ll see you here soon! Click here to join your State and District Groups and get involved.