Each week we’ll be reporting on some of the activities of our army members across the country. If you are interested in getting involved in your state visit the State and District Leaders page here: https://pickensplan.com/district-leaderboard/
Legislative Update
The total number of co-sponsors for the NAT GAS Act (HR 1835): 143 Members of Congress
Is your Member of Congress a co-sponsor? Find out here https://pickensplan.com/inyourstate/
Army Highlights
- Pickens Plan army member Scott Henderix presented the Pickens Plan to the Olathe, KS rotary club. He asked them to contact Senator Roberts and Brownback, and urge them to co-sponsor S 1408.
- Arizona State Leader Dave Clement had a letter to the editor published in the East Valley Tribune and broadcast in the newsletter Arizona Energy.
- Pennsylvania State Director Mike Johnston convinced PennFuture to host a series of screenings of the movie Haynesville across PA – starting with an upcoming festival in Wilkes-Barre. He is also hosting a series of screenings of the movie at several theaters in the middle of the shale gas area.
- New York District Leader Jon Hand created an interactive poster on the Pace University campus where students can respond to questions such as; “America imports over 60% of its oil. Are you concerned by this?” “America has more natural gas than any other country in the world, yet we still rely on other nations to satisfy our demand for energy. Is natural gas the key to America’s energy independence?”
Want to get involved in your State? Click here: https://pickensplan.com/district-leaderboard/