U.S. Senator Mark Udall appeared on the popular CNBC program “Mad Money” with host Jim Cramer Wednesday night, to discuss the growing momentum for the NAT GAS Act. Senator Udall told Jim Cramer that there is a bipartisan coalition in the Senate which is “supporting T. Boone Pickens’ Natural Gas Act and the Pickens Plan.”

Following is video of the interview and below is the written transcript.

JIM CRAMER, host: I’ve been on a–just a virtual crusade to promote the virtues of natural gas as a bridge fuel, one that’s 40 percent cleaner than coal, 30 percent cleaner than oil, one that could help break our dependence on foreign oil and also create hundreds of thousands of jobs.

We want Congress to get behind natural gas, but I think the coal lobby has too much heft, and the President favors pretty much every energy source but natural gas. I’m just talking about his speeches. He even likes nukes, which, by the way, may be real clean. Not so good for cars. He also, the President, thinks that coal can be made clean, and therefore we can use batteries in cars which just plug into a coal-based system.

There are people fighting for natural gas in Washington, and one of them is Senator Mark Udall, a Democrat from Colorado. If you want to understand this market, you need to understand Congress, and that’s why I’m thrilled to have Sen. Mark Udall on the show today.

Senator, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Sen. MARK UDALL (Democrat-Colorado): Hey, Jim, thanks for having me on. I came on in part because CNBC has been covering the Olympics, curling, the sliding sports, and I got to tell you, being on your show is more like being on a bobsled run than it is at a curling rink. But thanks for having me on.

CRAMER: Well, I–thank you so much, and I’ll have to tell you, I like that tenor. That means we’ve got a go, and that’s got–that’s exciting to me. Senator, am I paranoid, or do I feel that the administration and perhaps some of Congress are just unwilling to even address the notion that natural gas could be a crucial fuel for this country?

Sen. UDALL: Jim, your voice has been important. There are strong lobbies here, as you point out…

CRAMER: Right.

Sen. UDALL: …but there are a group of us who are really promoting natural gas. It is a bridge fuel. You talked about the carbon footprint that it doesn’t have. There are a bipartisan group of us that are supporting T. Boone Pickens’ natural gas act and the Pickens Plan.

So, there’s movement here. There’s momentum. We need to take advantage of this remarkable resource known as natural gas. So, thanks for what you’re doing.

CRAMER: Absolutely, senator. I got to tell you, though. I have a lot of money on the line. I have $100 bet with Boone Pickens. He says something’s gonna materialize, particularly with the 18-wheeler segment, by Memorial Day. I know you’re on board with this 18-wheeler. Could you please describe to our viewers how important this one truck bit of legislation could be?

Sen. UDALL: I would tell I wouldn’t double down on that 100 bucks right now, but in the long run maybe you can re-jigger your deal with, or your bet with T. Boone because I know we’re gonna get a natural gas title in a big energy bill because it’s obvious.

It’s clear to all of us here. At least I should speak for a group of us, that this is an enormous opportunity for us with these new finds. You know the Marcellus, the Barnett hales, the new technologies. So, I’m bullish on natural gas just like you are.

CRAMER: Senator, are you quietly building a coalition that we don’t see? The reason I say that is because we were having some trouble finding many members of the Senate who were willing to come on to discuss the issue.

Sen. UDALL: I heard you were looking for Waldo. I don’t know that I’m a good replacement for him. But this is one senator standing in front of you along with a number of others that are working–you are right–quietly.

CRAMER: Right.

Sen. UDALL: There’s a growing sense that natural gas is a key part of our energy future. And by the way, it’ll be a key part of the future of a lot of other countries around the world…


Sen. UDALL: …because the shale plays are rampant. They’re everywhere. That’s the good news on this.

CRAMER: Totally agree. Thank you, Senator Udall of Colorado. You are terrific to have.