Washington, DC might have been hit with a record snowstorm last week but it’s not stopping us! We’ve had some great accomplishments I want to tell you about. More people are taking notice of our need to get off foreign oil and onto our own resources.
Last week the Western Governors’ Association (WGA)—a non-partisan organization of 22 governors representing 19 U.S. states and 3 U.S. Territories—called upon Congress to make it a priority to pass legislation that would include incentives for the development and use of natural gas vehicles (NGVs) and NGV infrastructure.
In a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi signed by WGA’s chairman and vice chairman, Govs. Brian Schweitzer (D-MT) and C.L. “Butch” Otter (R-ID), they wrote:
“In addition to providing critical support for job growth in America, further development of NGVs and NGV infrastructure will help reduce our national trade deficit and dependence on oil from unstable and unfriendly regimes. Like members of Congress, we are concerned about how the staggering trade deficits impact America’s economic growth and prosperity, and a large portion of our nation’s trade deficit is attributable directly to the importation of oil. Every day the United States spends billions of dollars overseas in the form of oil payments that could be spent here, in America, employing our citizens and boosting the health of our economy. America’s continued dependence on foreign oil represents a clear threat to our economic health and security.”
I couldn’t agree more. We need to act now.
If you haven’t already signed the Energy Independence NOW petition, I encourage you to click here and sign it as soon as possible. Share it with your friends and family. Let’s keep sending the message to Congress over and over and over again until they finally hear us and pass legislation to end our dangerous dependence on foreign oil.
I’ll be back in Washington next week to keep up the fight and will report back to you then. Thank you for staying with me. We’re going to get this done.
— Boone