T. Boone Pickens was a guest on the Bloomberg television network to discuss the latest Pickens Plan ad and to talk about the future of the NAT GAS Act in Congress.
Boone made it clear that the path is set for passage in the U.S. House by Memorial Day.
He talked about H.R. 1835 – which was introduced by Rep. John Larson (D-CT) who is the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House – and which has 127 bipartisan co-sponsors.
Boone also reminded viewers that the amount of oil we continue to import is a serious national security issue, as the new Pickens Plan ad states. He cited a statement by John Podesta, President and CEO of the Center for American Progress, that “approximately 20 percent of the oil that comes to American shores comes from countries that the State Department deems are dangerous or unstable for travelers.”
Boone said that proves how dangerous our dependence on foreign oil really is: A fifth of the oil we import is from countries to which American’s shouldn’t even travel.
At about the same time Boone was on Bloomberg, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) was speaking on the floor of the U.S. Senate about the need move forward in utilizing the America’s vast natural gas reserves.
Reid, in a floor statement said,
We need to look no further than Boone Pickens, who talks about this every day of his life, that the way we’re going to have a more secure nation is lessen our dependence on foreign oil. Use the resources we have, among which are wind, sun, geothermal. And now, we’re the largest holder of natural gas of any country in the world. And that’s what Pickens is talking about: using our own energy, not continually importing oil.
To see the entire Bloomberg interview, click HERE.
— The Pickens Team