Natgas Bets Help Pickens Recover Lost Billions – Reuters – 1/19/10

Pickens Bets U.S. Natgas Prices to Rise After 2010 – Reuters – 1/19/10

T. Boone Pickens Tweaks His Energy Plan – New York Times Blog – 1/19/10

T. Boone Turns on the Gas – – 1/20/10

Yellow Goes Green – – 1/20/10

Letters to the Editor – Crossville Chronicle – 1/20/10

Who Needs Energy Independence? – The Patriot Post – 1/20/10

T. Boone Pickens Adjusts His Famous Plan – BNET – 1/20/10

There Is Something To Americans’ Love of Cars: Pickens Changes Plans – – 1/20/10

Texas Wind Grows Even Without Pickens – AWEA Into the Wind Blog – 1/19/10

Lessons in Stealth Communications: V-Vehicle Tries to Keep Technology Details Under Wraps – Xconomy – 1/20/10