I told you I wouldn’t leave until the job was done, and I meant it.
Getting America the energy plan it needs and deserves has been the principal focus of my Pickens Plan, and the Christmas Day airline bombing attempt only increased my determination.
Please click here to sign the Energy Independence NOW Petition.
Can you believe the world’s leading superpower funds both sides of the war on terror? Each month the U.S. government spends BILLIONS supporting our fighting men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan, yet we spend even more money buying oil from governments that pay protection to al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.
Does this make sense?
Of course it doesn’t, particularly when we have the energy we need right here in our own backyard.
We’ve waited patiently for a year while Congress debated the stimulus package and then healthcare reform. In the meantime, discussion of our dangerous dependence on foreign oil was put on the backburner. And we continued to import nearly two-thirds of the oil we use.
We aren’t going to wait any longer.
The NAT GAS Act (H.R. 1835 and S. 1408) is the best tool we’ve had in decades for reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
Let’s work together and make a big push between now and President Obama’s State of the Union speech to ensure that meaningful energy reform is a top priority in Washington in 2010.
— Boone