Logan Berry, South Carolina State Director
– Tell us about yourself
I am 20 years old and a Junior at Presbyterian College. I was born in Franklin, North Carolina and moved to Charleston when I was 14. I am currently the chairman of College Republicans and the president of my fraternity.
I am running for Student Body President this spring. I founded a group at my school called Greenhouse that has enacted several initiatives focusing on alternative energy and other green solutions. Some of these include an organic garden that provides our cafeteria with food and a solar powered golf cart to give prospective students tours. I played soccer my freshman year at PC and I enjoy golf and political debates.
– Why are you a part of the Pickens Plan
I am a part of the Pickens plan because I want America to progress the way it has in the past. I know that by continuing to buy foreign oil we are only hurting ourselves economically.
– Tell us about things you’ve done to promote the Pickens Plan.
I have contacted several congressmen and written several letters to the editor. Also I have promoted Pickens Plan heavily within my college community by organizing a series of lectures about alternative energy.
– Share one idea for what you’d like to accomplish through your work with the Pickens Plan in the next 3 months.
I would like to see a majority of the new candidates running for Congress in SC sign the Pickens Plan Pledge.
“Meet the Army” is a series here on Daily Pickens featuring New Energy Army members and how they are making a difference by being involved in the Pickens Plan. Who knows, maybe we’ll see you here soon! Click here to join your State and District Groups and get involved.