The Washington Post has a front page story in its Thursday editions headlined: “An energy answer in the shale below? New technology opens vast stores of natural gas, and the land rush is on”
The piece, written by reporter Steven Mufson, quotes energy executive Tony Hayward, as saying:
“The United States is sitting on over 100 years of gas supply at the current rates of consumption,” he said. Because natural gas emits half the greenhouse gases of coal, he added, that “provides the United States with a unique opportunity to address concerns about energy security and climate change.”
Supporters of the Pickens Plan, of course, have been well aware of the enormous amounts of natural gas available in America’s shale plays, but the big news is that it has become big news!
Mufson repeats what you’ve read here many times:
The country is carpeted with shale gas plays, including the Barnett in Texas, Fayetteville in Arkansas and Haynesville in Louisiana. Recoverable U.S. gas reserves could now be bigger than the immense gas reserves of Russia, some experts say. Natural gas can serve as a bridge fuel to a low-carbon, sustainable energy future,” said former Colorado senator Timothy Wirth.
The Washington Post is the “home town newspaper” of most of the staffs of members of the U.S. House and Senate, so a front page story on the availability and suitability of natural gas is likely to have a significant impact on pending legislation, especially H.R. 1835 and S. 1408 – the NAT GAS Act.
To read the entire article in the Washington Post, click HERE.