We reached our goal of 120 bi-partisan cosponsors of the NAT GAS Act (H.R. 1835) way before 11/20.
Our efforts are having an impact!
You know the numbers on natural gas: 2,000 trillion cubic feet of reserves in the continental United States; more than 100 years worth — enough to fuel our heavy truck fleet, provide electrical power to our homes and businesses, plenty for cooking and heating, and more than enough remaining for other crucial uses like fertilizer and chemical production.
Congressmen Dan Boren (D-OK), John Sullivan (R-OK), and John Larson (D-CT) have shown true leadership in helping their colleagues to see how important passing the NAT GAS Act is to America’s energy future.
We are keeping the pressure on, and we’ve got our eye on the goal: Get this bill passed in the House and the Senate, signed into law by President Obama, and begin reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
If you haven’t already, click here to email your Member of Congress today and ask them to cosponsor this important legislation.
Let’s keep this momentum going.